Chapter 8 Launch

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Sharnice walks over to Vincent and Ally who are talking in Paul's office and gives Vincent a stack of paper. "So, these were in the mail room." She says, "They shouldn't be." She smiles and starts to walk away. "So, aren't you supposed to file them?" He asks in a sassy tone. Vincent is tall and lean, he speaks with a Spanish accent and usually a twist of sass. Vincent is openly gay and has a feminine flare. He is usually upbeat, but he also has his moody days. "No, but you can ask." Sharnice walks away.

Vincent rolls his eyes. "You see Ally; I told you she was a bitch." He says as soon as Sharnice is out of sight. Sharnice walks into the break room and takes out her phone. She is surprised she has a message from an unknown number. She opens the message. "Hey Shar, let me get a few benz. I'll get you back." She looks annoyed and puts her phone away. Ally comes into the break room holding the paper Sharnice had just given back to Vincent.

"Hey Shar," she smiles. Doug's intern, Ally, is the youngest employee of Defrost at twenty-two. She has fair skin, shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes. Though she is smart, she has been labeled as a dumb blond so many times in her life she sometimes actually plays the part.

"Hey Ally." Sharnice says in a manic cheerful tone. "Vincent was wondering if you could file these for him please." Ally tries and hands them over to Sharnice. "Oh yes sure." Sharnice says still in her fake nice voice. "As soon as he asks me himself." She smiles and walks past Ally to leave the break room. As Sharnice is exiting the break room and going back into the front office she sees Richard talking to Robert standing with a man in handcuffs. Abel approaches them.

"What happened, man?" "My car overheated, right across the street I had just picked up this guy. I called for backup and my tow truck got here first. I'm just hanging here until my backup comes." As Richard is explaining, a man from the tow truck company comes in and asks to talk to him. "Okay hold on. Robert, keep an eye on him a few minutes please?" He turns and presses the man into a seat. "Sit down," he tells the handcuffed man.

The man grumbles, "Man you trippin," as he takes a seat. He looks at Sharnice and smiles. "Hey what you lookin' at shorty? You too fine to be a cop." "Not a cop." She snaps. "Shar don't entertain this stupid nigga." Abel interjects. "Wow Abel what the fuck? You need to watch yo mouth." "Yeah man, who the fuck you talking about?" The man went to stand up, but as Robert walked toward him and he sat down. "That's why I hate fuckin cops, y'all stay manipulating with yo racist asses." "It's niggas like you that give Blacks a bad name. You fuckin' embarrassing." Abel says, disgusted. "Wow Abel." Sharnice is shocked and appalled by Abel's comments. "Nigga, if I wasn't cuffed I would fuck you up." The man says. "Hey, knock it off!" Richards says entering the building. "Come on." He grabs the man and pulls him out. "Thanks Rob", he says on the way out.

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