Shoto Being Afraid of Bugs and Arachnids

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You have always been the one to murder the creepy crawlies in your relationship with Shoto cuz he sure as hell isn't going to do it

Because he despises them so greatly he has researched these things and can list a plethora of uncomfortable facts about them

"Cockroaches can live for a WEEK without a head and slip into spaces as thick as two American pennies, (Y/N)."

"Drugstore beetles infest dry foods and hatch larvae that look like rice grains. We could be eating bugs without knowing it, (Y/N)."

"Centipedes have too many legs. They look like mistakes. Also, they're mildly venomous, aggressive, will bite you, and move really quickly towards your feet. In other words: little Demons."

Usually, upon spotting the home-wrecking bug(s), he will climb up the nearest available piece of furniture or ice himself up the wall and yowl for you to come and save him

Afterwards, you can hear him muttering and sometimes loudly talking about how you two are moving out and he doesn't care where you go from there as long as it isn't "infested by the Devil's juvenile delinquent children"

If you aren't home he often uses up all his bravery by trapping them under some Tupperware and then he waits for you to get home and deal with it

On the extremely rare occasion that there is a spider in the bathroom while he is using it, there are ordinarily two scenarios that result:

If he's going to the bathroom he will grab the nearest available makeshift weapon and if the eight-legged monstrosity scuttles closer to him he will indeed attack to the best of his ability and raise hell

If he's showering do not be surprised to hear a shrill noise of surprise and hatred, followed by the water shutting off and wet footsteps on the floor as IcyHot hurries down the halls with only a towel wrapped around his waist and water still streaming down his body

That being said, one morning a sleepy Shoto comes down the stairs only to see a big ass cockroach sitting on the coffee table

WWIII ensues

His episode wakes you up in a panic (because he sounds like he's probably dying) and when you realize what's going on you sit on the stairs watching him and recording the whole thing

In one hand he's holding a fly swatter and with the other, he's trying to hold up his oversized All Might pajama pants

He creeps closer to the intruder with his fly swatter at the ready, only to freak out last second and retreat 

For an obscenely long amount of time, he wildly dances around the living room while flipping off the cockroach and making bellicose demands such as "COME AT ME, BRO!!!"

Of course, as soon as it moves he shrieks and bolts to the other side of the room

He grabs a can of insect killer to try and kill the thing, but since he's crouched like three feet away from it the spray is very ineffective

At one point he grabs one of his heavy work boots and charges, then leaps at the cockroach while yelling "I'M GONNA WHOOP YOUR ASS!!!"

Needless to say, he loses his bravado last second and practically somersaults away from the thing

In a moment of...inspiration...he uses his ice to try and encase the offending bug in a ball of the stuff so he may promptly chuck it out the window

This plan backfires miserably, the cockroach unfolds its wings and immediately begins flying towards Shoto like a kamikaze plane

He then repeatedly screams "KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!" while running around the room and flailing his arms around his head

He doesn't use his fire side because he would prefer to not burn his home to the ground in his panic

After he calms down a bit and the roach stops chasing him he just kinda sits on the floor, looking at the bug with a blank stare of defeat and an expression of earth-shattering weariness

You decide to finally step in and rescue your poor, beaten lover from his dastardly assailant

You efficiently grab the discarded boot from earlier and squish the bug before grabbing it with a paper towel and flushing it down the toilet

After pausing a moment to make sure the thing won't be making an unfortunate reappearance, you go to comfort your stricken Half and Half, who is now laying on the floor with an arm thrown over his eyes

You lay on the floor with him and cuddle up into his side

He immediately wraps both arms around you and rests his head on your chest, humming when you run your fingers through his soft, messy bed head

He begins murmuring into your skin, and you need to ask him to repeat himself in order to hear what he was trying to say

Shoto merely nuzzles further into your body, but he speaks a little louder for your benefit

"I said I'm sorry for waking you up. But thank you for taking care of that abomination for me. I love you, Babe."

"It's okay, at least I woke up to something entertaining. And I love you too, Shoto. Now let's go make some breakfast."

"Sounds good, but if there's another creature with too many legs in the kitchen I'm moving out with or without you."

You never did tell him that you recorded that whole ordeal

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