charter 5 (Echo/Axle)

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"Hay, are you still alive?"
Echo joked as she gently nudged Axle with her foot. "no, I'm a ghost laying on the floor."
He teased. They both gave a little uncomfortable chuckle. "Hay axel, I'm really sor-"
"Why? Why are you sorry?"
Echo kneeled down and allowed a tear to roll down her face.
"I-I almost killed you..."
She whimpered.
"What! No! No no no. You don't do anything. Echo hun- um p-partner, you just did your job." Axel reached up and gently whipped her tear away. "Axel!" Elena hollered. " you're free to go. there's another mission on the board, you can go with Echo."
Thay smiled and checked this new mission out. "Hum... hay axel, you up for the calige?"
"Spying on the King?"
He smiled. "Revenge is the sweetest form of forgiveness!"
Thay both had reasons to resent him. but one thing was clear, he needed to be stopped. Thay groped a couple things. Be for axel finished, he polled a small box out from under his bed. He slowly opened it. * bang! bang! bang!*
He quickly slam the half open late back on. "What!?"
He yelled. "You done?!"
"Almost! Il be right there!"
"Ok harry up!"
Allowing his heart to slow to normal heart rate again, he turned back to the cardboard box. It felt very smooth as he lifted the lid. As it was being lifted to the heavens above, it was suddenly visible what was in the box. What lied protected in the caves of regret, was the piece of that egg. "I'm sorry that I've wronged you in the past, forgive me I was only 12. I'm smarter now. Revenge will be ours. I'm going to spy on the King now, he will pay for what he has done to you. Even if the blood will be on my hands he will pay!"
Before echo came looking for him again he put the lid on the box gently, sweat it back into it resting place grabbed his things and left.

The Voice of A Dragon (discontinued but working on a revision)Where stories live. Discover now