Getting to Know Each Other

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A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who has loved this story so far! I am really honored about people becoming interested in this and wanted to thank you all so, so much.

This chapter will hold some sad details (which I made as historically accurate to how the period was).

Some of you did ask about Korean history, and why George couldn't go back, so it will be answered in this chapter.

With their arrivals, the Crawleys were quickly adjusting to the life of their new home. George had found a separate job nearby as a lawyer in a different place from Matthew, not wanting to inconvenience his older brother. Meanwhile, Lilly managed their lives from the Crawley house, making sure that everything was set and Maria was getting used to everything as well.

Molesley quickly found that he rather liked Master George's wife and lady's maid, as they were both used to a certain lifestyle that fit with the lavish life of Downton. But one thing he had been uncomfortable about was Matthew. Because Matthew, despite being the heir to Downton, wanted to do everything by himself. This left Molesley to look after George, who apologized to the butler/valet about the whole mess with his brother and that he would try to convince Matthew about it.

Days passed and the Crawley family got adjusted to the move, and Isobel noticed that Lilly, if not staying at home sewing something, did not do much, and decided to ask her questions.

One afternoon, they were the only two left in the homes and she asked during their tea time,

"What do you like to do in your free time?"

Lilly drank the tea and set her cup down as she responded with, "I prefer to read and sew things, but I'm not sure about other activities."

Isobel found that despite everything, Lilly still found her interactions awkward with her, and when she had asked about it to George, he had said that her culture was told to treat the elders with utmost respect, and that since Isobel was her mother-in-law, it was hard, even more so to call her by her name since that was not a thing younger people did in their culture.

Upon hearing the response, Isobel decided that she would try to get to know Lilly better, so she said,

"If you would like, would you terribly mind joining me in visiting the hospital today?"

Lilly paused for a moment, a curious look in her eyes as she asked, "The hospital? Wouldn't I be intruding?"

Isobel smiled at that comment and said, "I'm sure we can figure something out."

Lilly nodded and responded, "I would love to."

Despite everything, Lilly recognized her mother-in-law's efforts to make her comfortable and her determination to make Lilly not the gossip of the town, so she couldn't find a reason to say no. And after all, what harm could a single visit to the hospital do if it entertained her mother-in-law?

Isobel smiled and said, "Glad to hear. Let's get ready to go then."

Lilly looked up in surprise and asked, "Now?"

She glanced at the clock, noticing that it was, indeed probably the only time that would be good enough to go and visit, so she stood up to get ready. Molesley walked in and Isobel turned to ask,

"Molesley, we will be heading to meet Dr. Clarkson for a bit. Would you clean this up for us?"

Molesley nodded to acknowledge this request and he looked towards Lilly, who smiled and said, "Could you call for Maria as well? I need her to help me change."

"Very well, my lady." He said, as he walked towards the kitchen, where Maria was having a conversation with the cook about potential errands.

Lilly changed into a navy-blue skirt and coat appropriate to wear, and had her hair done for going outside. She had sky blue shirt underneath the coat to make it bland, along with a matching navy-blue hat. Once she was done, she waited by the door for Isobel, who arrived about two minutes later. Isobel led her to the hospital. Throughout their walk, people looked over to Lilly in surprise, but both women ignored it.

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