Chapter Four

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 "As I said the other day, this is your decision to make Rosie," Doctor Ealing said, turning around to look at me. Mr Greyson stood awkwardly in the doorway, his hand grasped the edge of his hat whilst the other was still heavily bandaged after the incident with the hammer.

"I know, Sir," I said, pulling the cloth off of my shoulder and tying it around my hand.

"You can do it," Robert muttered, placing his hand where the cloth had been and giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"Rosie? What are you going to do?"

"I'll talk to him, Sir. As long as you don't mind, I wouldn't want it to interfere with my work."

"You've earned a break, you may use my office to talk."

"Thank you, Sir."

Doctor Ealing nodded and gesturing Mr Greyson inside, closing the door behind him before motioning him down the corridor and towards his office. Behind me, Robert released his hand from my shoulder and gave me a little nudge down the corridor, I turned around and glared at him. He turned his head and whistled to himself, retreating back into the drawing room but standing just within the doorway so he could watch what was going on. I watched from the far end of the hallway as Doctor Ealing gestured Mr Greyson and turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow as though he wasn't really sure what I was up to. I didn't blame him. I wasn't too sure either.

Taking a breath, I took the few steps down the hallway towards Doctor Ealing and Mr Greyson. The cloth was still knotted around my hand and I twisted it tighter and tighter as I entered the room, my fingers going numb the longer I kept it tied up. Mr Greyson slowly entered the room and glanced around at the shelves that lined the room. I followed close behind, continuing to twist the cloth as I stepped into the room. Doctor Ealing watched me from the doorway, his eyebrows furrowed together as he noted the cloth wrapped around my hand.

"If you need anything, I'm sure Robert will be willing to assist. Since he isn't studying now, I doubt he'll start any time soon, right Robert?" Doctor Ealing said


"I need to head into the office, I'm late enough as it is unless you want me to be here?" Doctor Ealing glanced at me.

"No, Sir, you should go."

"If you insist. Mr Greyson, it was good to see you again. I'll want to see you in my office in a week, so I can see how your hand is progressing."

"Of course, Doctor Ealing. My son really wants his treehouse."

"And he will get it soon enough. I'll leave you two to it."

Doctor Ealing nodded in my direction before turning and closing the door tightly behind him, leaving Mr Greyson and me in the room alone. The two of us stood facing the doorway without saying a word, neither of us really knowing what to say or do. My heart hammered away in my chest and I thought it was loud enough for Mr Greyson to hear it, but he just chewed on the inside of his cheek and glanced around the room. The silence felt as though it was buzzing around us like a swarm of bees, as though they had gotten stuck in the cupboard.

Without making a sound, I started to unravel the cloth from around my hand and loosening up my fingers to try and regain feeling. Shaking out my hand I crossed to the other side of the room and took a seat one of the chairs, rubbing each of my fingers. Mr Greyson watched me from the corner of his eye but remained rooted to the spot, I wasn't even sure he was still breathing. He had been the one who came to me, but he was refusing to say anything or even look me in the eye. We were both just as scared about what to say as the other and I wanted nothing more than to bolt from the room and return to the safety of the kitchen.

The Serving Girl // Book 2 in the Rosie Grey seriesWhere stories live. Discover now