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I'm sure right now you're hoping my drunken father will appear and beat me up, or some jocks will find me and do whatever tall, muscled, testosterone-filled guys do to scrawny, sarcastic gays; but the truth is that the jocks are busy lining up dates with anyone who will have them and Dad is an ocean away. Neither are too pressing of an annoyance. Of course, there is always something to annoy me. For example, the obnoxious volume that the other students around me in the University quad feel is necessary for conversation.

Now you're probably wondering, if it's so noisy then why are you there?

My answer: what other choice do I have? If I go to my dorm, I'll be met with my room mates, Sherlock and John. Please don't mistake me, neither are bad people. It's only that...well, John tends to talk a lot (I mean, a LOT), and Sherlock... well, he's Sherlock.

So here I sit, partaking in the time-old fascination of people watching. The day is really quite warm, but I keep my sweater on. I like to blend in and quietly observe; the scars and thin scabs lining my arms draw far too much attention.

An voice with an American accent interrupts me. It's not like I was thinking too deeply, but I could have been, so as I turn to the source of the voice I allow a look of irritation to line my features. "Hi, um, Cas?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "My name is Castiel," I say, letting go of my nose and giving the freshman in front of me a once over. "who are you and why should I care? You have 7 seconds. Go."

The freshman straightens up and cocks an eyebrow at me. "Dean Winchester, new student, admin sent me to find you. You're supposed to be showing me around."

Great. I get up, turning to leave. "Doesn't that sound like a fun way to spend my Saturday. Not interested."

I hear foot steps behind me, and suddenly he's right in front of me. Bright green eyes are glaring up at me. "Look, I know your type. You're over emotional and bored. I get that. But admin sent me to find you. So if you could hop off your high horse real quick and give me the general layout of this school then you can go right back to moping or whatever it is evil geniuses do in their spare time."

I tilt my head to the side, considering him. I hate to admit it, but his willingness to stand up for himself intrigues me. Now that I am forced to take a second look at him, I realize that he's really very pretty. Besides, he's right about one thing; I'm bored.

"First, I am not an evil genius. Genius? Yes. Mischievous and a snarky? Yes. But never evil. Secondly..." I sigh, pushing past his muscular frame. "keep up."

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