Room Mates

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(Ehehhehehe I'm so excited you guys thank you for reading. I will try to update as often as possible. This is my first fanfic so hopefully yall continue to enjoy it!! okay enough of my blabbering here you go.)

Winchester. I feel like I've heard that name before. I sneak a few glances over at him as we walk. He's taller than me, with golden hair that reflects the sinking sun. His eyes are really quite striking, the brightest green I can ever recall seeing.

"So, Dean, where are you from?" I ask.

He glances over at me and hesitates for only a second; but hesitates, none the less. Noted. "My family moved around a lot. I've pretty much been all over."

I nod knowingly. "Sounds... lonely."

Dean's eyes widen a fraction, like he's surprised I said that. He turns it around on me and says, laughing, "You emo poet types. Everything is tragic, isn't it?"

I smirk at him. Nice try. I now know a couple of things. The first is that Dean Winchester will do anything to not feel. The second, is that he fails at that on all accounts. I look up at the building we are approaching. Legion University has very nice facilities, especially the dorms. To get in, you're either very smart or very rich. I can't help but wonder which qualification Dean has. "Are you staying in this building?"

Dean pulls out a sheet of paper and peers at it for a second, then at the building. After a second he nods. "Room 246."

"You're in luck," I say, and Dean looks at me curiously. I grin at him. This is going to be a fun year. "That's right across from my room."

Dean rolls his eyes and the corner of his mouth turns up, like it did before, letting me know that he's amused. "Awesome. Try not to blow up our floor, huh?"

I put my hands up in a defensive gesture, leading him into the building to the lift. "You don't have to worry about me blowing things up. Its John you should worry about."

The lift arrives and we step in. We are alone in the small space and the air has completely changed. I can't deny to myself my attraction to Dean, but it wasn't until a few moments ago I noticed just how attractive he really is. As I glance at him, I notice his accelerated breathing and flushed face. What is it about elevators?

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