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May 2nd, 2019, 11:01:33 A.M.


It's Jamie!

First off, I want you to know I'm not homesick.

That's not to say I don't miss you and Midge and Safi and River and even the cool ghost guy who lives with us. Because I do. A lot. I just thought maybe if I said I wasn't homesick you wouldn't get all worried about me. Because you are always worrying, Grey. You worry so much you make me worry.

So I guess it's basically summer here now. It's very warm and all the flowers are blooming and Granada's really, really pretty. I like it better than when we were in Madrid, but only because it's less crowded. Too many people in one place makes me antsy. Violet says it's because I'm not used to being out and about. But neither is she and she seems to be handling things fine.

I guess that's kinda what I'm trying to tell you, Grey. We are handling things fine.

We still haven't found Mom yet, but Vy seems to think we're getting close. I'm not sure yet. Sometimes I think we're close and it just turns out we're further than we started. It's weird.

Do you think she'll be happy to see us again?

I hope so. I have so much to tell her. So many things that have happened, so many people I've met.

And I think, when I find her, I'll probably start with you.


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