5: 5.05.2019

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May 5th, 2019, 12:03:16 P.M.


It's Jamie!

I just got off the phone with you. But anyway I'm making this now because you're at work so you won't pick up the phone again and also because Vy isn't here right now. I think she got hungry. I understand. I'm always hungry.

Anyway what I wanted to tell you was that I just realized it's Cinco de Mayo. Someone told me that's not even a real thing—it might've been you, seems like the sort of very negative and soul-crushing thing you'd say—but still it's making me want tacos like really, really, really badly. I'm sure Levi makes good tacos. *sigh* I miss his cooking. Even if he's a dead guy.

So if I can't have Levi's tacos, maybe I can talk Vy into buying us some tonight. And, yes. I know it's not a very good idea to go outside right now? Because of the whole "I'm a murderer" situation and everything? But food is food. You get it.

Listen. You're probably worried after that phone call because it sounds like everything's going terribly wrong. But don't worry! I'm sure we'll find something. I mean, Vy and I found each other, after all. Yes it took like a super mega extra long time but it still happened. So I think that has to mean something. History repeats itself, or whatever. That also sounds like a very negative and soul-crushing thing you'd say.

But I mean it positively this time. If that makes sense? It doesn't, does it?

Anyway. Optimism!


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