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A distance croak from a faraway raven resounded around the otherwise silent trashed abandoned house, were I sat alone. The black night sky painted shadows around the chaos around me, splitters of wood, broken glass, burnt ash, each a reminder of the horror that happened earlier.
I closed my eyes, hearing their screams, clutching my chest as I felt the fire scorching my chest, burning my lungs once more. Lashing my arm out, I scattered the contents of a nearby shelf clattering to the floor, the noise bringing me back to reality.
The fire was gone, it was now merely a memory but the anger still burned inside me; anger and disappointment. Disappointment in myself, my weakness, even with my solo power back I'd been powerless to help them. Too weak to other come the pain, to save my friends, to help the girls.
Bound by white ash, they were trapped, screaming out my name as I was thrown against the wall, hurt and defenceless I observed not rescued. The fire scolded my lungs as I watched in horror as Cassie turned on Diana, choking the life from her. My eyes not quite believing what they saw until the two girl’s, broke out from the bound circle and I remembered the way Cassie had activated her own dark magic, at the brink of death. Realising with relief that she'd forced Diana to activate her own, to allow them freedom from the power starving circle.
Diana was now slumped against the wall, her legs sprawled, her eyes scared and searching. Cassie her blue eyes wild and determined grabbed the crystal skull, wheedling it against Blackwell - against her father. He shouted out in fury and for a moment the fire inside my lungs died.
But then Cassie screamed in pain and the fire scorched my heart worse than before. Fighting the pain I focused of her fierce blue eyes, which were soon joined by a familiar set of scared brown ones. Together Cassie and Diana were powerful enough to overcome Blackwell. Soon he fell dead and defeated to the ground and the fire disappeared completely.
Relief had flooded through me then but now that was gone. All I felt now was disappointment and anger. The circle was broken, I had my own power back, yet all I had done was watch. How could I have let the girls battle Blackwell alone, how could I have been so useless.
The hollow eyes of the crystal skull glared at me, mocking my weakness. I scowled back at them, becoming mesmerised by the misty grey smoke inside the skull. My hand reached out, my palm touching the smooth solid surface as power surged up my arm. Instantly I clasped my other hand on the deathly crystal, feeling the power consume me.
The anger and disappointment now overpowered by the feeling of strength and power that flowed from the skull, into my veins. It was an incredible feeling, I suddenly felt whole, remembering happiness, remembering the touch of Cassie's lips against my own. The elixir’s magic gone as my love for the blue eyed witch came flooding back. Tightening my grip around the skull I realised curse or not we really were written in the stars.
A pleasurable moan escaping my lips as the power of the crystal skull travelled throughout my body. It was dark and powerful, but most of all it was consuming.  My hands never leaving the cold solid surface, I smirked at the blood eyed raven now preached behind the black glass window, while letting the power consume me.


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