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a/n: listen kids. i have been procrastinating writing because i didnt wanna finish that case. So now in this story that case is over and theyre on the jet home.

Emily and JJ hadn't been alone since the whole... incident. Now they were on the jet home. Emily was sitting next to JJ but she was focusing on a conversation with Spencer. All JJ really wanted to do was talk to Emily about what happened. The plane home was long so maybe JJ would have a chance.

"Okay guys I'm going to go sleep." Spencer said, standing up and heading over to the empty couch.

"Okay." Emily smiled. JJ watched as Emily settled in her seat, pulling her legs up. "So," Emily said turning to JJ, "think we'll have a short break from cases." She smiled.

"I doubt it." JJ laughed.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Emily agreed. The two kind of just looked eachother without knowing what to say.

"So-" They said at the same time, JJ stopped and so Emily decides to speak. "We should probably talk about what happened, I mean unless you wanna avoid it and pretend we don't know why the other isn't speaking to us." Emily said, causing JJ to laugh lightly. The blonde looked around the jet, checking to see if anyone was awake or listening, when she saw nobody was she turned back to Emily.

"Yeah, look Emily, I like you and I don't know if you like me too but you kissed me so I'm going to assume-" JJ started talking faster and faster.

"Yes JJ I like you." She laughed using the same tone JJ used.

"So what does that mean?" The blonde questioned, tilting her head slightly.

"You're cute when you're confused." Emily smiled, gaining a blush from JJ

"About 10 seconds into our relationship and you're already flirting hmm?"

"I suppose so." She nodded. It was clear Emily was more experienced in this field. She was older and she had been with alot more women than JJ had.

"So you wanna do something tonight?" JJ asked.

"Sure wanna come over?" She questioned.

"Sounds like a plan." JJ said. She yawned slightly.

"Here." Emily said turning so her back was against the wall and her body was turned to JJ. She motioned for JJ to lay against her and so JJ did. Emily just played with JJ hairs and kissed her head every so often. Soon enough, JJ fell asleep.

They were back at the bau and everyone was heading home for the evening.

"Hey." Emily said as JJ was collecting her things. "Ready to go?" She smiled.

"Yes." JJ said as she checked to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything.

As soon as they made it out of the building JJ took Emily's hand in her. This time it was real though and Emily smiled at the thought. They got into their seperate cars and met at Emily's house, arriving at the same time.

Once they were inside Emily headed to the kitchen. "We are eating, what do you want." She said.

"hmmm choose for us." She said sitting down on the couch.

"Okay then we are eating pizza because im too lazy to cook." She said pulling out her phone to order it online.

"Sounds good." JJ said." Emily looked at JJ and smiled, walking over to her.

"So blackbird, think we'll be on a case tomorrow?" Emily asked sitting dowb beside her.

"No, apparently the serial killers are taking a break." JJ laughed.

"I think they approve our relationship." Emily agreed which earned a hit from JJ.

"Ew don't say that." She scoffed.

"Alright, alright. When do you wanna tell the team?" She questioned.

"Eventually." JJ shrugged. "Not really a rush is it?"

"Not at all, it might be fun hiding our relationship."

"I bet you were the type of kid who dated everyone without telling your parents."

"Oh and you weren't?" Emily teased.

"Not in the slightest." The blonde smirked. Suddenly there was a ring at the doorbell. Emily began standing up but JJ pushed her back on the couch and Emily took note of her strength.

"I'll get it."

After they had eaten, JJ picked up her bag, as if to leave.

"You know..." Emily started."You could stay." JJ looked surprised. "We could watch a movie or something?"

"Sure." JJ smiled, it was a genuine smile, the one that Emily loved so much.

They chose to watch Friends instead because that is Emily's favourite sitcom.

"Come here." Emily motioned to JJ as she went to sit on the couch beside her. The brunette motioned her arms for JJ to lay with Emily, which she galdy accepted.

"You know that character that Chandler and Joey are fighting over, Kathy?" JJ questioned tilting her head at the screen.

"Mhm." Emily replied. JJ moved her head from the screen to tilt her head at Emily.

"She kinda looks like you." JJ said to herself as she studied Emily. After a moment of staring at Emily JJ said; "She's hot." and broke into a smile.

"Oh how flattering." Emily said sarcastically.

"You should be flattered." JJ said laying back down to face the TV.

"Oh and I am." The brunette said in the same tone as before.

As the movie went on Emily reached her hand to JJ's back and started dancing her fingers around it. JJ moved more onto her stomach to give Emily more access. This was the type of relationship Emily always wanted, and a relationship with JJ, she wanted that even more. It was little moments like these that made the two fall more in love with eachother in every way possible. Emily wasn't one to believe in soulmates... but sometimes, Jennifer made her doubt that believe. That was something nobody else had ever or could ever give her and that made her admiration for the younger blonde even stronger. She was grateful she ever met JJ and she was even more grateful for all the events that had to transpire to get her to this place. Maybe emily wasn't a firm believer in fate, or soulmates, or god, or the universe, or if happy endings existed, but she believed in Jennifer, and she knew how that woman makes her feel is real, and thats all that mattered, all that will ever matter. Whether Emily knew it or not, her and JJ were made to be together.

WOW I SUCK AT UPDATING. Whats it been like 4 months?! Well im back now and yeah my dumbass said i was deleting this story but im not actually gonna do that. Anyway hobos hope you enjoyed this chapter

Word count: 1115

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