Such sweet dreams

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Chapter one

My feet are shackled and I'm anchoring to the bottom of the ocean.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, I screamed for my mother whom was ever so slowly floating away as I got dragged down by an unknown force. Her brown eyes smiled down at me, warm yet dull. They didn't have the usual shine in them; like how they sparkled whenever she set her gaze upon me. Gently, she reached her arm out to me, but she was so far away, I couldn't reach it.

"I can't reach your hand"!

Her figure continued to float up; and I was dragged deeper and deeper into the restless ocean. The ruffles of my black dress, rose from my desperate struggles, but to no avail; I could not release my feet from the tight hold.

"Mum, I can't reach your hand"! I shrieked even louder, my helpless cries muffled by a menacing inhuman voice from somewhere behind.

I clamped my eyes shut, silently praying for a miracle from the almighty.

"She can't hear you, no one can", it hissed in my ear, sending an unpleasant shiver run up my spine as if spiders were crawling all over my back. I let out a shaky breath, though I was deep in the depths of the ocean, I managed to somehow breathe; it's all just a dream, yet why does it feel so real. My mother's soft smile became blurry, the waters carried her further away until she turned into nothing but sea foam at the surface. "

M-mum", I whimpered, my lips quivering as the shackles tightened on my feet, pulling me down with such immense pressure; I wondered, when my feet are going to tear from the rest of my legs.

"She's never coming back", the disturbing voice came again, acidity lacing it's voice as it cackled.

I was pathetic and weak to think she'll ever come back, I hate to admit but 'it' was right.

The light from the surface eventually faded clear being replaced by utter darkness.

"P-please", it's cold and dark, the ocean still and relentless. It's silent not a living creature in sight.

Then darkness wrapped around me like a blanket, burying me in it's thick layers. My eyes finally drifted closed, welcoming my fate with open arms as I descended further into the abyss.


I jolted awake, wiping the beads of sweat that formed on my forehead and waited as my breathing steadied before ripping the heavy covers off me. I can't believe I missed fajar this morning, swinging my feet off the side of the bunk bed, I jumped down to the wooden panelled floor with a small thud.

"Sab wake up"! I shook the little girl awake, rushing to the tall dresser at the corner of the room and searched for her uniform frantically. Something she should be doing herself...

"Sab where on earth is you're uniform at", I cocked my head to the side, only to find the girl fast asleep and snoring. Grabbing her by the shoulders, I rattled her gently until she groaned in protest, I swear she could sleep through a whole thunder storm.

"Zainab would you please just let me sleep", She huffed in frustration, pulling the comforter over her head.

I swiftly pulled her to a sitting position, earning a cold glare from the grumpy human as she got up. "Don't you look at me like that, now get you're butt in the toilet", I prodded her away. After another glare and a few more grumbles, she wobbled out the room. "And don't forget to do your wudhu"! I called after her, receiving a door slam as an only reply. I rushed to the bathroom to do my ablution after Sabrina, and got the prayer mats ready once I finished.

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