A bittersweet day

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Chapter Thirteen

Whispering the salam, I turned my head, greeting the recording angel on my right, then repeated with my left.  After the late fajar (morning prayer) I got ready, for soon I was to meet Aaron at the animal shelter, I've been dreading but what else can I do. As I recited my daily duas, I pulled off clothes from the hangers and laid them on Sabrina's bed, placing a thinking finger on my chin.

"What do you wear to an animal shelter", I eyed the skirts, jumpers and jeans in front of me, and the immediate thought that rushed to my head was to gear up. Honestly, I don't know why. "It's freezing, how about this one, it's cute and it will shield me from the cold", holding up the wool sweater, I inspected it against my chest. "But maybe I shouldn't wear it, it might get caught on something and tear, it's too cute to be ruined".

"Just wear the stupid sweater, listening to you talk to yourself is making my head hurt", Sabrina groaned, I didn't realise she was lying there till she emerged from the cacoon of her comforter and the bundle of clothes

"Oh, you're still here", I boringly declared, deciding to wear the baby pink sweater anyways.

"You don't even start school until nine right, so why are you up and conversing with yourself"? She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she swung her feet over the side of the bed.

"You and you're sassiness wallahi, don't wrinkle my clothes. Plus, I'm off today".

"Anyway", she emphasised, scratching the arch of her eyebrow. I knew something was up, considering her nervous manner; what is it she doesn't want to tell me? With a worried look washing over my face, I sat down on the desk chair; waiting till she said something, anything, as I drummed my fingers on the white surface. "I don't want to go to school today", Sabrina quietly muttered.

"I told that teacher she better fix this or else"- I began, but got cut off by Sabrina as she hurriedly reasoned it was not the teachers fault. A knowing anger stirred in my chest, threatening to take over my conscience, I abruptly stood up. "No, we're going to your school now, I want to have a word with your teacher".

"Zainab for once would you listen"! She exclaimed over my vexatious talking, I shrunk back down in my seat as she huffed a braided lock from her face. "I just need to clear my head, I'm not sick; I-I just need to rest and clear my head before I can walk into that classroom and face them", she finally came out with it, and I complied.

I knew very well, how Sabrina felt and I was in no place to tell her she couldn't rest before facing the storm; after all I only wanted the best for her. "Alright, I'm gonna head out so make sure you lock the door", I placed a feathered kiss on her forehead, ignoring her protest.

"Yes ma'am, stop it now".

"And don't forget to"-

"Leave before I get another headache", she pointed her thumb over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

"Okay, okay I'm leaving, asalamualaikum".

Once I stepped outside, a certain silver BMW caught my eyes instantly. I chuckled when I saw Cece's head pop out the window.

"I was freezing my butt off, and you come out now", she shook her head as I got in the car.

"You should've called me, why are you here anyway"? I asked, setting my backpack by my feet.

"I'm going to the animal shelter too! I know you volunteered because I got a glimpse of Mr LB's project chart on his desk the other day".

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