Turn- Overs

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Chapter Twenty - Two


Exactly how I felt when I awoke to Aaron, laying beside me. I looked and felt like the reddest of tomato's, however that even made sense. Direct one hour later in his car driving to destination unknown, I still pondered over it. What was he thinking and what was I thinking! I was wrapped around him like coil till I opened my eyes.

Against the riot in my head, I sat still and silent, looking out the window to hide my face from the other side of the car from the one whom was driving it.

We remained in cumbersome silence as he drove on tower bridge, and even after an half hour of our silent journey the air was still thick when he stopped... finally. Before me was the apartment building that everyone in London -- and I mean everyone desired to live in. Although this building was nicknamed 'the riches' for a reason, mainly because only the wealthy people lived here. I turned to Aaron with raised brows as he drove down into an underground parking lot. He put the car in park, and got out with a sigh, clearly avoiding eye contact. I hopped out shortly after, catching up with his deliberate fast pace, my expression still stuck on 'what the heck'. He continued to disregard me until the elevator doors opened and we got inside.

"What's the matter"? He asked, glancing over at me, I quickly closed my slightly agape mouth. Am I ever going to get used to this, ever. I am an average class student in university, that lived in a usual terrace with her little sister. I am certainly not a wealthy class, with a silver spoon shoved in my mouth; I was always used to the rusty one and I am completely content with it. This is such a turn over, I thought as the lift continued to ascend five more floors.

"Nothing", I muttered and faced the metal doors, watching him cautiously from the shiny reflection. He had his hands in his jacket pockets and stared at the line that separated the doors till they slid open.

I once again, struggled to catch up with his strides as I followed him down a pristine corridor, with doors that had three digit numbers.

"Home sweet home", he announced in a disinterested tone, unlocking the last door at the end of the hallway with a code.

I walked inside with a bismillah, looking around the beautifully designed and colour coded house. Then I turned to Aaron, who still stood in the doorway; cocking my head in question, though I got no answer. Fidgeting with the buttons on my coat, I waited for him to say something — anything really, but he remained painfully quiet. And for some strange reason, I wanted to ask if he was okay, yet I held my thought as well as my tongue. I don't need to know, if he doesn't want to tell me, I assured myself; pushing away auntie's nagging voice at the back of my mind— telling me continuously to 'make this work', though I had no idea how, how does one even begin to make things work. What do I do! I shouted back.

"I'm gonna head out, I'll be back later", Aaron's voice found it's way to my ears, and crashed my train of thought.

"Mhm", I hummed, nodding my head in acknowledgement.

"There's some food in the fridge, if your hungry", he said, pointing to an area that I suppose led to the kitchen.

"Thanks", I muttered, watching him step out. "Uh, Aaron", I called before he could turn to walk away. "Asalamualaikum". It was a habit, I couldn't help it, plus it was good manner.

"Wa'alaikumasalam", he returned with a grin, and when he turned his back, I didn't miss how his shoulders slightly shook as if he was laughing. I let out a small chuckle myself before closing the door.

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