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"You little shits! Get back in the room and go eat, I'm not having Death on my ass anytime soon because you guys' wanted to watch My Little Pony!" a voice rang out, you could see the man's face red with anger, his fists balled up, fire surrounding them. There were seven boys who just giggled and ran to another room.


"What are you doing here? Get out of my room before I turn you into flies" a voice said when seven boys screeched they ran into the usually locked room. Six pairs of eyes just stared before rolling them, one set of eyes were looking around in wonder, until he got dragged out of the room.


"Lesson time, get the big book of 'how to get humans to follow you by using their desires against them' out. We were on chapter five weren't we?" A voice said. A sickly looking old man in a wheelchair instructed the groaning boys to fetch the book. Had to stick to the lesson the lord wanted, he also didn't want death on his own ass, escpecially seeing what happened to the others.


"What are you all running around for? Sit down quietly, your choices are to read or sleep, quiet time is from one to three, I know very well you all know this, don't make me explain to your father why you all died this visit." The strict voice carried out throughout the room, making the boys freeze, before scrambling to obey, everyone knows not to mess with him and quiet time, everyone decided to sleep, since they just finished a harsh lesson before this hour.


"Ah! My favorite son! Yoongi, were you good? I know you were, how about your brothers, they didn't do anything did they?" An overly cheerful voice spoke as he picked up his smallest son, his baby. The other kids rolled their eyes watching and listening to their father. They weren't jealous they weren't getting spoiled -- maybe a little, but not much -- they wanted Yoongi's attention on them, the man didn't deserve it as much.

"You want a dog Yoongi? I found the cutest one, it's name is Holly, even better than your brother's silly pets"

A small boy watched everyone around him, he couldn't help but shake his head,
'idiots. They're all idiots'.

Author-nim here!
I wrote this is like five minutes, hope you guys enjoyed a sneak peek.
I'm planning on another book, its either going to be about bunny hybrid yoonie with wolf bts (or other bunnie predators) and that's gonna be pure fluff.
An angel au, where Yoongi leaves heaven and gets found by mafia bts, this ends up with innocent/shy/pretty yoonie, with possessive mafia bts, making sure nothing could harm him, (even if yoonie is actually making sure they can't be physically harmed, himself included). This one could be potentially dark, but I like writing about the lighter side of things, if it gets enough attention I could make a 'different path' type thing.

Tell me which one you'd like to see first!
I'll see you loves in the next chapter! XOXO!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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