22 Witches and Zombies

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I wasn't sure if I was awake or asleep but I know one thing is for certain I heard voices, "Molly you have to wake up, dear. I need you to wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" It sounds similar to a voice I know it's so close as if right in my ear. I slowly start to open my heavy eyes and glance around I first noticed that my hands are tied behind my back and my legs are tied to a chair, "Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey... Did you have a nice sleep?" That voice I know that voice only it sounds taunting at this point. I open my eyes more and before me is Matt sitting on the floor arms crossed, "So you finally figured it out huh? I guess you could sense it from across a block and a half... Should have seen it coming, sweet pea. I hope you know this face is probably the last face you're ever gonna see." I try to get out of the binds but it's no use I can tell it's some kind of spell not an actual rope, "What's up with the kinky first attempt, Matt? Or should I even call you that?" I ask knowing what the answer was gonna be. "There, there Molly. I'll let you go just when I'm about to sacrifice you... You see there's a lot about me you just haven't quite figured out and honestly I'm surprised considering how you're a witch. In fact you're one of the strongest witches I've ever encountered... Half the women in your position would kill to have that natural ability. Lucky for them I'm about to take it all for myself." I shrug trying to move my legs again it's to no avail. "What do you want, Matt? Love? Sex? Money? Whatever it is I could give it you just say the words..." New tactic was seduction anything to get out of this spell, "No honey, you see I want your power. It's so simple to just get anything you want isn't it? To will it to happen out of nothing? Reality is, I want your abilities. You see there are only two ways a dark gift can be contained and yet become a full on art form..." Matt stands up and spins me around in the chair. I'm trying to keep my focus on him while chanting a spell but these binds aren't letting up, "... Number one: have a witch be next to you at all times and teach you what she knows. Since dark gifts aren't technically legal in our world we're forced into hiding. But that's about to come to an end; I'm about to herald a new generation of the arts... One in which no dark art goes into hiding or has to be tamed." Matt still talking comes closer to me almost at my face, "Secondly, you kill a witch. A virgin that is as long as she's female and has all her abilities in tact I can drink your blood and obtain your power as well as unlock my dark gift into something... More evil." Matt smiles cruelly giving me a kiss on the cheek.

The only thing I could seem to think of was if I was going to die in a fucked up ritual I needed to be brave. I needed to contact Stanley, if he was strong enough to speak for the dead and read their language I was sure if I tried hard enough I could try mind reading and he would see what I saw. I had to try it though it was a long shot so I began to focus on him on what he was doing if I were Stanley and it's Friday night where would I be? What would I be doing? Who would I be with? That's when I began to think what he thought, see gently what he saw and there was only one place that kept coming up... One person: Cassius.

B*tches with Stiches: Book One Where stories live. Discover now