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•Normal POV•

"Arlo, let John call Doc on your phone." Angel said immediately, panic laced in her voice.

"Yeah, and as you can see, some jerks broke mine." Arlo was silent, then complied.

"You're kidding, you actually have his number?" Arlo asked as he took out his phone.

"Yup! He doesn't trust me to take care of myself, so he gave it to me in case of an emergency," John told him while dialing the number, but Angel noticed Seraphina looking down. She put a hand on her shoulder and gave Seraphina a reassuring smile.

 She put a hand on her shoulder and gave Seraphina a reassuring smile

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"Hello, this is Darren. With whom am I speaking?"

"Morning Doc! It's me!" Silence came from the phone, and seconds later a click came, signaling that Darren had hung up. Angel and Arlo stifled a laugh.

"He's sure got your back," Arlo said sarcastically.

"C-Call him again," Angel stuttered over the giggles she couldn't contain. She had one arm on her stomach and the other was over her face, covering her mouth from laughing too loudly.

John did so, putting the phone to his ear when he didn't hear anything.

"Hul-" John was cut off when Darren had suddenly screamed at him from the phone.


"Nothing? Okay, great. I'm going back to sleep."

"Wait Doc, hear me out! It's not me this time! There's something wrong with Sera!"

"...What exactly?" John had signaled Angel to talk, so she took the phone and put it in her ear.

"Well, we don't really know. That's why John called. Can you meet us at the infirmary in half an hour?" Silence came over the phone, until they heard a slam, and Darren hung up.

"What'd he say?" Arlo asked.

"I think we're good. Let's go!" John answered.

"What do you mean, you think?"

•Slight Timeskip•

Arlo and Elaine went to go tell the principal about the incident, while John and Seraphina had gone to Doctor Darren. Angel stayed outside the door to the Principal's office. She leaned against the wall, too deep inside her thoughts to hear the door open.

"Angel?" The said girl flinched as she felt a hand touch her arm, pulling away quickly. Angel relaxed as she saw it was only Arlo who touched her arm.

"Sorry, let's get going."

"Something on your mind?" Arlo asked the blue-haired girl, Elaine, since she looked a bit shaken up.

"It's just...John." Angel looked up at Elaine once she heard her brother's name.

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