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  • Dedicated to Cody Mcgrimmond

Lance Roselynn had always been a queer human, although he was not been the most handsome, smart, strong, or even the kindest, he always seemed to have friends and women around him. He was a shorter guy with a dark brown hair, his skin was pale as porcelain and had acne around his forehead. He didn't like to move much and normally sat at his home, drinking tea in the same old rocking chair, having conversations with the friends that always visited. His friends were around him all day and all night, of course, they were not always the same friend, they came and went, but there was always someone around him at any given time. His closest friend was an older woman named Vienna Wynsley, she was about 29 years old, whereas Lance was only 19, she had darker red hair and green eyes. She was a gorgeous woman and Lance adored her, every word she'd say, Lance would follow. Vienna liked to hang around the longest, him and Vienna would talk for hours on end. Although, there was a lonely period in time where Vienna would leave and another friend would keep him company. Today, Lance was getting ready to attend a party with Vienna, she told him to get dressed up, because today was a special day. He wore a swanky black suit, that made him feel like a super spy, he hummed a tune that sounded like the theme to a cheesy spy movie.
"Vienna! Are you ready yet? I've been ready for hours now!" He called upstairs to his bathroom, there was no answer, only silence. "Vienna?" He called, then took a step up the stairs, the air around him grew still. "Vienna! It's not funny anymore, answer me!" Lance called up the stairs once more. When he was answered with silence once more he bounded his way up the stairs and pounded on the bathroom door "Vienna, open up!" He called "Vienna!" He pounded on the door once more. He waited for an answer for a good five minutes. "I don't care anymore, I'm coming in!" He burst through the bathroom door, and sure enough Vienna was standing, bent over the sink. Dark red, almost black, tears dripping through her hands. 
"Lance?" She asked in a small voice, not like the usual, brave and confident Vienna he was so accustomed to.
"Yes?" Lance's voice went instantly from a raging teenager, to a mature comforting man. 
"Will you do me a favour?" she said, wiping the black-red tears from her face, leaving stains that looked like she had been covered in soot.
"Anything for you." Lance smiled softly and placed his hand on her shoulder, giving a slight squeeze.
"Drink this." She turned around to grab a glass then faced him once more, holding a glass with lime green liquid in it. "It'll take you to a wonderful place, but promise me you'll never return here." 
"But, whatever will I do without you?" Lance asked in a sweet voice, sliding his hand down her arm to meet her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers.
"I'll be there with you." She smiled sweetly "I have my own glass."
"Promise?" Lance squeezed her hand softly
"I promise, but do you promise to never return here?" Vienna brought him closer, so that he could feel her warm, sweet breath against his ear.
"I promise." Lance smiled sweetly and used his other hand to grab the glass from her hand.
"Drink up, sweet prince." Vienna sounded more confident now, and her skin turned to it's regular, perfect porcelain tone. Lance chugged the glass, he started to feel nauseous, Vienna and everything else around him began fading, once again, black-red tears were rolling down Vienna's face. Then, Vienna began to melt, what was just a beautiful woman was now melting like wax and Lance could see the top of Vienna's skull, her skin turned into a boiling puddle and her skeleton turned to dust. Everything around him began to spin and he screeched in horror. The room around him was spinning and items were flying everywhere, a pair of scissors flew out of the cabinet above his sink and pierced him through the head. Then darkness, followed by a high pitched squeak and the smell of burning and dust. 
"Vienna!" Lance cried and opened his eyes, he was laying in what seemed to be an abandoned house. He could hear what sounded like mice skittering around. 
"I'm here, you just can't see me anymore, I'm inside your mind now." He heard an echo of Vienna's voice "The others can't know you're gone." Vienna sounded panicked.
"Vienna, what did you do?" Lance was scared now, because normally, Vienna was brave at all times. 
"When those scissors pierced your brain, you died here, now you can't come back no matter what you do." Vienna sighed "Unless..." she trailed off "Just don't listen to anyone but me." Lance sat up and looked around, the place was dark and damp and smelled of urine and mothballs. 
"You told me this place was wonderful!" Lance cried "This is awful!"
"The part you're seeing now is awful," She stated calmly "Find the exit," She added. "When you moved in our universe, you moved in this one too, so you're probably pretty far from home." She added more. Lance stood up and looked around, opening doors until he found one made of metal, he twisted the knob and opened the door, light flooded the room. 
"I'm out." He said then walked down a path, he was in a very wooded area. "Where do I go from here?" He wondered aloud
"Down the path take a left, then keep walking down the sidewalk until you reach a motel, stay there, give them the card in your pocket." Vienna's voice echoed in his head, he did feel something in his pocket. He shoved his hand in his pocket, in there was a wad of cash, about 500$ in 50$ bills and two cards, one was a debit card and the other was a keycard, with the number 29 on it. He followed her directions and sure enough made it to the hotel, he walked up the the man at a desk, and showed his keycard.
"Are you trying to give that back?" The man laughed "Just go up to your room and use it to get in."
"It's not working." Vienna's voice echoed in his head
"The keycard won't work." Lance echoed what she said in different words.
"Are you sure?" The man asked, Vienna didn't say anything.
"Yes." Lance said pursing his lips.
"Okay, lets go and try it." The man stood up from his chair, and led Lance to room 29. "Let me see your card." The man sighed as if he had said that line a million times before. Lance nodded and handed the man the keycard, the first time the man attempted the door made a quiet beep noise and the light turned from yellow to red. the man looked over at Lance then snapped the card in half "I'll go get you a new keycard." and with pursed lips the man walked off. 
"Thank you!" Lance smiled and awaited for the man's return, sure enough about five minutes later the man returned with the new keycard and opened the door for Lance. 
"Here you are sir, and remember if you need me again for any reason. My name is Arthur." He spun around not even looking back at Lance. 
"Thank you again!" Lance called after Arthur, who was turning a corner. Lance walked into his room, it was nice and kind of reminded him of his old bedroom from when he was still with all his friends. Lance jumped into the bed in the room and all of a sudden, all he could hear was Vienna screaming. "Vienna! Vienna! What's wrong?" Lance tried to soothe her, she could hear other voices and Vienna pleading. 
"Kenny, please! No! Kenny! Don't hurt him or me!" He heard Vienna's voice echoing through his head, he couldn't hear anything going on around him, only what was in his head. "Greg, Diana, please stop it! It's Vienna, good old Vienna! Lance would never forgive you for killing his love!" the words pierced his heart
"Kenny! Greg! Diana! Anyone else! Stop it! Leave her alone!" He barked the commands to a seemingly empty room. 
"Lance! Don't listen to anything anyone else says. Ever!" Vienna cried out, then all went silent.
"What did you guys do?" Lance yelled the question at nothing. 
"Vienna went on a little trip to Paradise Island. Only for a little while." He heard the voice of one of his old friends Greg. Greg was about 20 and had jet black hair, his skin was a fleshy pink and his eyes were jet black. The laugh of another friend named Kenny echoed through his mind.
"Yeah, only for forever." Kenny was around 16 and had longer red hair, he was Vienna's brother. Then two friends voices rang in his ears, Diana and Natalia's 
"Shh Kenny! We don't want to scare him!" they spoke in unison as usual, which had always creeped him out. 
"Oh, my god!" Lance cried out in horror, "What did you do? Answer me!" He feared the worst.
"Come and find out." The four spoke in unison this time. "Come back to our world Lance, it's so lonely here without you." 
"How do I come back?" He questioned
"Kill yourself Lance." The four spoke in unison once again.
"Yes, kill yourself." The four grew louder
"I won't." Lance answered back.
"Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself..." The four repeated in unison growing louder each time. 
"I won't do it... For Vienna!" Saying that brought him courage.
"Kill yourself Lance, come back to us!" The four repeated that line no matter what lance said, growing louder until Lance could no longer hear anything else other than that line not even his own voice. Lance screamed out, as loud as his body would allow. After a couple minutes Arthur burst in the door, then called 911. Lance was carried out in a stretcher and given pills, the four quieted afterwards. Lance could finally rest in peace, he was brought back to his true home. He was forced to take pills, which made the voices in his head quiet enough to block out, he lived on these pills for months, which to him felt like days. Until one day, when Lance decided he wouldn't take the pills anymore. He'd forgotten all about Vienna's telling him not to trust the others by now. At first they were quiet for the first week he was off the pills, talking amongst themselves, whispering almost. 
"So you decided to have us back." Kenny spoke first.
"I never wanted you gone." Lance replied
"Come back to us Lance?" Greg asked softly with a shaky voice, as though he'd been crying. 
"I can't." Lance replied softly "I don't know how." he said "Dr.Victor says you guys aren't real, just voices in my head that don't exist."
"Dr.Victor knows nothing." Kenny said "So many of us have died since you left. So many suicides, so very many." 
"Kenny and I have held onto hope that you would come back to us." Greg spoke next, please come back to us Lance." 
"I told you I can't because I don't know how!" Lance repeated annoyed "I want to so bad. I have no friends here!" 
"Where you are, loneliness is your only friend." Kenny laughed "All you have to do is kill yourself in that world, and you can come back to us." 
"Won't that hurt?" Lance asked scratching his back.
"Yes, but it's worth it!" Greg chirped
"I don't know guys..." Lance said nervously
"Don't be a wuss!" Kenny laughed "Just come back!" 
"Are you sure it'll work?" Lance questioned
"Well..." Greg trailed off
"Yes!" Kenny chirped "One hundred and ten percent!" Kenny smiled
"You know, I kind of like it here..." Lance whispered
"But loneliness is your only friend there!" Greg and Kenny yelled at the same time.
"Yeah, it's kind of nice..." Lance trailed off
"Loneliness is your only friend! Come back to us!" They repeated this line over and over for days, causing Lance to sit in a corner rocking back and forth saying
"Loneliness is your only friend..." over and over, out loud. Until he decided to take action. He stood up and grabbed a piece of paper, then cut his wrist deeply, writing the words "Loneliness is your only friend" in his own blood, then wrote it on the walls around him. Laughing like a maniac he said "I'm coming back, to where loneliness is not my friend!" and looked around the room, the blood in his wrists stopped bleeding steadily so he cut deeper, he kept doing so until he hit bone. Writing everywhere he could "Loneliness is your only friend" he dropped his knife and went into his garage, he could not feel the pain anymore. He found a hand saw and sawed into his arm, now saying aloud "Loneliness is your only friend." over and over. Within 15 minutes he had sawed off his own arm, and wrote "Loneliness is your only friend" all over it in blood. He ran through his house writing the same thing in blood, yelling it over and over, until he collapsed to the ground, puking and in a pool of mixed puke and blood, still whispering "Loneliness is your only friend" a gust of wind blew through his house and the paper he'd initially wrote on landed beside the pool of fluid, the corner got wet and stuck beside him, the wind no longer made it fly. Lance smiled one final time and said "You were right Vienna, I should have only listened to you." staring at the door frame down the hall where a figure with red hair stood, she had porcelain skin, darker red hair and green eyes. She stood crying.
"I finally found you and you die on me!" She screamed as Lance turned into a one-armed corpse. 
"Loneliness was my only... friend" Lance used the last of his strength to say his final words, he let the darkness grip him. He was finally free of the voices. Now loneliness was not his only friend, it was all he had.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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