He DiD wHaT

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3rd P.O.V.

Pansy arrived before the others, upon reaching apartment 221B she pounded the door at rapid speed.
"Draco Lucious Malfoy, open this door right NOW." her tone was angry yet worried.
"Coming, I'm coming." Draco's voice muffled, his sock-clad feet padding across the floor.


Hermione was next to arrive with such ferocity, as she crossed the street, passerbys were frightened to cross her.
"Draco darling, if this door is not opened in the next 5 seconds I'm going to break it down." an angry smile could be seen on her face.
"Merlin, I'm coming Mione." Draco more frightened of her than Pansy.


Ron was much calmer, walking hand in hand with Blaise. The tall ginger gently knocking the door of flat 221B.
"Come on in Ronny." Draco's voice soft, towards Ron.
"Okay." A simple reply he gave.


The last to arrive were Sirius and Remus. Remus gently knocked on the door.
"Come in" He rang


"Ok Draco, what happened?" Hermione, being the sane one she is, asked
" You guys may want to take a seat, it's kinda a long story." Draco ushered them.

And so he want on to explain how Harry being the reckless spontaneity driven soul he was, punched a cop in the face.

"HE DID WHAT!?" Pansy exclaimed rather furiously.
"That's mah boy," Sirius whispered with a sly smirk.
"SIRIUS!" Sadly he was still heard by Remus.
"Sorry sorry, but seriously that's mah boy." Smirk still present
"Draco please explain the nonsense that is occurring." Hermione being the only sane one apparently.

"Okey Harry was going around tagging buildings a copper caught him. Harry started getting aggressive, that's when I walked in and the officer began throwing taunts around about us being, and I quote 'a couple of fairies.' That's when Hadrian punched him." Draco went in detail.
"So his anger was in the right place." Blaise defended.
"Right place or not he still assaulted an officer of the law." Hermione informed.
"You lads just wait here, we'll get this sorted out." Remus said
"We will?!" Sirius questioned
"Yes, we will." Remus informed, well more formal
"Yesss, of course, we will." Sirius a forced smile was on his face.


And so the gang made their way to the precinct. Remus marched up to the door, a determined face placed(mad bars).

"Hello, how may I help you?." The cop looked like enough, but no one would like to see mama bear, Remus.
"Yes, I believe there has been a misunderstanding." Remus faked a smile
"Uhmm, pardon?" The cop rose a brow
"May we visit Hadrian James Potter." smile still present
"He should be in block two, holding sell four. I shall have a guard escort you." The officer brought up on his screen.
"Thank you, have a pleasant day." a real smile now


"Hello, are you the one that brought my nephew in?" Remus had a terrifying smile back in place.
"Yes, that would be I." The officer had a smile too, it would soon be wiped off might I add.
"I believe there has been a mistake here."
"No mistake sit, your nephew assaulted an officer." (A/N well he's about to get his ass handed to him.)
"He assaulted you only after you verbally assaulted him, might I add, by calling him a 'fairy'." Remus still held his smile.
"You tell em' Moony." Harry shouted
"I will be leaving with my nephew and filing a complaint, good day sir." Remus ended
"I said good day."


"All sorted?" The nice officer asked
"yes." and out they were


"Draco, I'm sorry baby." Harry said to Draco, who had his back turned.
"You could have gone to jail Harry." Draco had a pout that Harry wanted to kiss off
"I know, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me." Harry gave him puppy dog eyes
"I'm not mad, I was scared. I didn't want to lose you." Draco confided
Harry leaned down to kiss him, Draco smiled.

"Awwwwwwe" Pansy yelled
"Guys!" Draco blushed
Everyone had been watching them. They embraced

I'm sorry babes, y'all really waited for this.😭😭 I larb all you

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