Are You Ready, Babe?

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Ben looked at Leslie, who was standing quietly next to him, and he noticed the glazed expression on her face. He knew she was full of emotions at this bittersweet moment. And like she does on special occasions of her life, she was looking around and taking in every single detail.

This was one of those adorable traits she had that Ben loved so much about her.  She had done the same thing during his proposal.

"Are you ready, babe?" Ben's voice brought Leslie back to the present. 

She had been going through her memories leading up to this very moment.  She recalls the first time she met these people. She remembers the first words she ever said to them.

She was memorizing the way the breeze felt as they stood in the open field. She wanted to remember the faces of her friends as they surround her for one last time. The way their voices floated in the air as they teased one another. Her heart was full of love. And she would miss this. She would miss them very much.

Ron and his family would be ok. In fact, if anything catastrophic happened to the world today, her instructions to Ben and the kids were always to find Uncle Ron.

Andy and April and their new adventures in Washington.  Leslie would still be able to influence their lives. She felt it was her responsibility to see these kids grow up to be the best they could be.

Donna could definitely take care of herself.

Tom always got back up and she was sure he'd be fine under any circumstances.

And Garry... Well, she wasn't sure about Garry but he has his family to keep him happy. That should be enough for him.

Leslie was about to cry again. She loved every single one of them. She wanted to stop time and make more memories with this group of people she considered family. But a she looked at her husband and saw his soft concerned face, she knew it was time to move on.

"Yes," she said to him with confidence. Confidence that radiated from knowing that Ben would always be there by her side.

She turned to face the camera. "I'm ready," Leslie said to her unknown future.

Ben and Leslie - Short Stories (Parks and Recreation)Where stories live. Discover now