9. Aditya is back

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Zoya went inside the house and sat on the couch, the person who opened the door is standing there in confusion, a man came from backside by shouting

Man: awww zoya darling my jaan, what a pleasant surprise baby, u came here after a long time to visit ur poor friend

He came from back so he didn't saw her face and when he came front seeing her like this with pale face, without any smile, her eyes are filled with sorrow and also swollen because of continuous crying, her hairs are flowing in air like mess, physically she is alive but mentally she is almost dead.

The man said these words seeing the other person who opened the door

Man: pooja, what happen to this girl? Why she is like this? ( so the person who opened the door is pooja)

Pooja: i don't know yash, even im in shock and confused, i thought zoya will come here to share her happiness with us, but no where she looks happy (so it means the man talking with zoya is yash)

Yash went near zoya and knelt down in front of her, make her look at him and took her hand in his hand, looking into her eyes he said

Yash: Zoya....what happen?

Zoya didn't utter a single word, she started crying continuously both pooja and yash are consoling her but she is not in a state to say anything

Yash: pooja do something, i can't see her like this

Pooja: but yash what can i do now.....wait, ill call noor maybe she knows about it

then pooja calls noor, and noor told them everything, after hearing that, both pooja and yash are dumbstruck they didn't understand anything, but after few minutes they gathered some courage and went near Zoya

Yash: Zoya please don't cry

Pooja: Zoya please trust me, i know Adi very well since my childhood, he never do anything like this

Zoya: Pooja, even i trust him and im not blaming him, he is right, if he loves Mahi then he have to marry her not me, im just cursing my fate and i came here only to share with u both, because whenever i feel low u both are always supported me

Pooja: Zoya, we know it and don't blame urself or ur fate, i think we have to wait until adi came here

Yash: yes Zoya, Pooja is right, just we have to wait for some more days, without hearing it from him we can't decide anything

Zoya: no need of all this and u guys are not gonna ask him anything about it, let him be happy and i don't want him to feel guilty, so don't ask him anything and also attend his engagement, pooja u are his bestie, he needs u more at this time

Yash: then what about me, im ur bestie don't u need me at this time and if my friend is in pain then how could i stay happily and how could i attend his engagement

Zoya: yash now u have to take care of pooja, she is pregnant and its 4th month u have to take care of her and u know she have complications too, and pooja please don't take any stress, if it is my fate then no one can change this and ill agree with my fate

Pooja and Yash tried to explain but Zoya didn't allowed them to say anything

Zoya: now i have to go, u both take care and please don't do anything, atleast for me

saying this she went from there

Yash: yes we have to do it at least for u (pooja nodded her head)

they went inside the home and sat on the couch, both don't know what to do, if it is true then? this one question is killing them, suddenly pooja started laughing and yash is confused now why she is laughing

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