New Beginning

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  I walk into Hartford High School, seeing kids swarm the halls. I found the office and asked the Secretary for my schedule. Then I walked into my first period class Biology. I was freaking out on the inside but I kept my cool.

   As I sat in an empty seat the teacher called me up and introduced me to the class.  " Kids this Natalia, she is new so stay in line and be nice."

Just as I was about to sit in my seat I saw a boy walk in late. "Late again I see Mr Vazquez." Mr Porter said.

"Yeah and?" The boy answered with attitude.

"And you've earned yourself a week of detention." Mr Porter replied.

Vazquez walked towards the seat behind me and sat down. I could feel the tension building up. He leaned in behind my ear. "Fresh meat I see. You're sitting in my spot but I'll let you go off the hook since you're new here. But tomorrow you better park your ass somewhere else..... or else." He whispered intimidatingly in my ear.

"Excuse you!" I said no longer feeling intimidated but angry "Or else what? This is a public school and this is the schools chairs so I can sit wherever the hell I want".

" You're going to regret that, you have no idea of what I am capable of ", he continued.

"And neither do you" I said harshly.

Nothing happened the rest of class. When the bell rang a girl with wispy bangs walked up to me.

" So you talked back to Vazquez . I think we could be friends", she said.

"I mean I could use a friend seeing as he was trying to 'threaten' me" I said.

"Levi is intense but he is alright once you get to him. Leila by the way. Leila Vazquez ".

"Cristina. But you can call me Cris" I say. " So your Levi's sister", I continue.

" Yup", she said popping the p.
Lunch rolled around the corner. I walked into the cafeteria, while spotting Leila on a table at the corner. She waved for me to sit with her. Just as was about to sit ........

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