The Devil on Wheels

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"Hey Leila got five bucks", Levi said walking up to us. He took a glance at everyone at the lunch table and then locked eyes with me.

" What the hell are you doing hanging with this loser", he said.

"This so called loser has a name asshole and it's Cris", Leila said defensively.

He slowly turned his head toward with a smirk on his face. "So Crissy your going to regret what you did earlier."

"Don't call me that and how many times do I have to say I'm not scared of you or your ego".

The look of frustration overtakes his features he walks away but not before giving me a nasty glare.

"Hey you got some guts girl", a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes said to me.

"I'm sorry what's your name?" I asked turning to him.

"I'm Ryder", he said politely.

" And why do I have guts for saying that to him?"

"It's just... him and I are tight and I've been a witness to some of the things he has done, and let's just say there not good.... Although something tells me that you probably have shitty past too, and that you two might just get along."

" How would you know we just met like ten minutes ago?"

"I have almost like a sixth sense to these sort of situations and he hasn't hurt you yet."

" If he would hurt someone for the things I said he must have some severe anger issues." I said amused.


As I began walking out of the parking lot a red pick up truck zoomed passed me. I got a glimpse of who the driver was and it was none other than the devil himself. But from some reason it stopped and as I began walking past it, Levi called out from the drivers side.

" Hey need a ride?"

I turned to him confused as ever. "Why the hell would I get in the car with you after you treated me like shit all day. For all I know you could be a serial killer."

"You just caught me on a bad day", he said while smirking.

"What are you bipolar?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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