ch 11

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter. Had a few problems on this story so I had to go through and recreate chapter 11, thus taking more time than usual. I've also been getting a lot of messages from everyone, asking me to update on Percy Jackson: A New Life and I shall do just that so expect a chapter on that a couple days after this chapter is posted.

On the poll, Zoe was the winner! Sorry to all those who wanted Percy to be paired with Katie but I'm not going to make it a simple Perzoe, so expected a few moments with Percy and Katie during Battle of the Labyrinth and before the Last Olympian but anyway, I know you're tired of hearing me speak so enjoy the chapter and feel free to review!

Jennifer POV

"Where are those two?" Phoebe said aggravated as she glanced at the sun rising, Apollo should be starting his run any minute now. "They'll be here Phoebe. Percy's probably waking Tyler up." I said as Thalia and Grover both walked up the hill, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. "Man, why do we have to leave at the crack of dawn?" Thalia mumbled as Phoebe went to speak but someone spoke first. "Because we need to hurry. Artemis is a key Olympian and if she isn't there, who knows what'll happen." we heard as Percy and Tyler walked up the hill. Tyler wearing dark blue jeans, white sneakers, and his camp Half-Blood t-shirt while Percy wore the same thing, except he had on black jeans but when I saw Percy's eyes, I gasped.

"I know, you're shocked that my eyes look different. It's almost time to reveal my identity anyway, so no need to hide anymore." Percy said as his eyes changed from sea green to a deep ocean blue, then a warm golden color, and other colors till it stopped on the deep ocean blue. "Can you all please stop staring? It's really annoying." Percy said, snapping me out of my dazed state as I noticed he was still wearing the bracelets from a year ago. "You still have those on?" I said while he nodded. "Apparently, someone else can take them off but this someone is close to my heart. Romantically or not, I don't know but I hope its just as a friend." He said glaring at the bracelets.

"So, we need to head west, eh?" He said looking up at the sun as Phoebe spoke. "Yes, and we're burning time with you not hurrying up." She said while he raised an eyebrow. "We were already here. We got woken up by a Pegasus, don't ask but it happened and now we're here so technically, Grover and Thalia are burning time." He said walking past Phoebe towards Thalia's pine tree.

"So do I need to flash us or are we going to hitch a ride?" He said looking at us with his sparkling ocean blue eyes. "Argus gave us the van, come on." Zoe said taking the driver's seat as Phoebe bumped into Percy on purpose, making him stumble but shadows wrapped around Phoebe's leg, making her fall to the ground as Thalia snorted while I tried to hide a laugh but failed to.

"Why are you tripping over air?" Percy said stepping over her and got in the van and sat in the very back with Tyler beside him as Phoebe got up, glaring at him in hate. "I'm going to kill him." She said getting in the passenger side as she slammed the door shut. "More like it's the other way around." I muttered as I got in and sat in front of Percy with Bianca beside me and Grover and Thalia in the seat in front of us as we fell into a tense silence.

Percy POV

"Zoe, car!" Jennifer yelled as we swerved to the side throwing me into the window and waking everyone else up. "Alright," I said aggravated. "Pull over," I said as she looked at me through the mirror. "Why?" "Just do it." "Not until thou tell us why?" She said while I growled. "I'm driving," I said. "And we're not going through some stupid argument. You're falling asleep. I'll drive, I'm not even tired anyway." I said.

She kept driving till she finally pulled over, much to everyone's relief. "Don't kill us like Zoe tried to," Thalia muttered falling asleep while I smiled slightly and got out of the car and stretched, hearing my bones pop as I groaned in pleasure. "Was that your back?!" I heard Tyler say as he walked up beside me. "Yes Tyler, it was my back." I said while he shook his head. "That sounded like it hurt." I shook my head. "Felt good." I said looking at the van to see Jennifer, Phoebe, and Zoe in front arguing furiously.

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