ch 19

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter. We're nearing the end of the story, a few more chapters and we'll be done. Thank you so much for being patient with me, you guys are the best!


lso Mr vampire boy is totally fine after getting clotheslined so if you worried dont be he's been through worse
Anyway, enough talking. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Tyler POV

If you want to be popular at Camp Half-Blood, don't come back from a mission with bad news. Word of my arrival spread like wildfire as soon as I stepped out of the ocean.

That afternoon, Connor Stoll was on lookout duty. He got so excited he nearly fell out of the tree he was in when he spotted me. Usually I would laugh at it, but I wasn't in the mood. Knowing that one of your friends are dead and your brother is either dead or captured by Kronos can do that to you.

It still shocks me that he and Travis are Luke's half-brothers, they certainly don't seem like it. "Tyler!" He yelled hopind down from the tree he was in and ran towards me. "Where's Beckendlrf and Percy?"

Ag the mention of their names, my heart sank. He must've noticed my expression because his smile melted off his face. "Oh, no. Holy Zeus when she finds out..." he muttered as we climbed over the sand dunes.

A few hundred yards away, campers were already streaming toward us, smiling and excited. I stopped at the dining pavilion and looked around camp.

From the dining pavilion, you could see everything. Hills ringed the valley. The tallest being Half-Blood Hill, where Thalia's pine tree stood with the Golden Fleece hanging from its branches, magically protecting the camp. The guard dragon Peleus was so big I could see him from here, curled around the tree trunk, sending smoke signals every time he snored.

To my right spread the woods. To my left, the canoe lake glittered and the climbing wall glowed from the lava pouring down its side. Twelve cabins-each assigned to an Olympian god-made a horseshoe pattern around the commins area. Farther south were the strawberry fields, the armory, and the four-story Big House with its sky blue paint job and its bronze eagle weathervane.

In some ways, camp hadn't changed but yuou could see the war in the faces of the demigods and satyrs. There weren't many at camp like there were four summers ago. Some had left and never come back. Some had died fighting. Others-we try not to talk about them-had left and joined the enemy.

Chiron entered the first the pavilion first, which was easy for him because from the waist down, he was a white stallion. He wore a green t-shirt that said MY OTHER CAR IS A CENTAUR and a bow slung over his back.

"Tyler!" He exclaimed. "Thank the gods you're okay, but where," Annabeth was right behind him and I'll admit, my heart did a little relay race every time I see her and it annoys me to no ends. Ever since Luke became Kronos, things soured between me and her. She belives Luke is still in there and every time I hear it, I get closer and closer to snapping. Percy lost it around six months ago in a war council, yelled at Annabeth for being so stupid, thinking he's in there after everything he did to us and most of the campers agreed with him, me included. Luckily, Zoe calmed him down.

I froze. Zoe. Oh gods, she'll be so devastated, worse than Silena. I thought as my heart sank further down. "What happened?" Annabeth said grabbing my arm "Is Luke-" "I don't know," I said stopping her rant before she even started, I'm not in the mood.

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