Chapter 1

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Moon Butterfly had been thru many great chalanges in her time as Queen of mewni, she had been crowned after her mother had died in an ambush with the monster kingdom as they tried to form a peaceful alliance and at the tender age of twelve had been forced to carry the burdens of her kingdom as they rebuilt after the monster rebellion. 

once she had defeated their leader the monster army had been scattered across the multiverse leaving her to rebuild her kingdom after the attack, it had taken months before the kingdom was calm enough for Moon to greive the loss of her mother along side her greatest responsibility. Nanna, her little sister who had only been turning four at the time of the attack and bearly had any memories of their mother as she only knew what the kind woman had looked like thanks to the many portrates that she was featured in. 

moon had tried to raise her sister as she thought their mother would have wanted, always making time for the young girl no matter how buisy she was with her royal duties and made sure that Nanna had all of the love and affection she desired while nurturing her kind and caring nature. the Queen of mewni  was starting to wish she had focused a little harder on teaching her sister some common sense and maybe a little caution or fore thought would have done her slightly ditzy sister some good as well.

"Moon my darling! you must calm down you are going to give yourself a headache if you keep pacing like this" River said as he watched his wife striding back and forth across the hall of the small hospital, he was worried she might run into some one as she had just barely missed a few people as they rushed down the halls.

"River I can't relax! Nanna is in there right now bringing our niece into the world! what if something goes wrong? what if something happens to the baby? what if something happens to Nanna? where is that man!?" Moon cried out startiling more than a few of the nurses that were in the hall with them but they soon turned back to their jobs, the maternity ward was usually filled with screams and shouts wiether they were from the new mothers, the babys, or the stressed family members who were panicking out in the halls the staff had seen it all. 

"I'm sure he will be here soon my love, no true father would miss the birth of their child" River said as he waited patiently, the two were dressed in simple but styelish earth cloths so they didn't bring to much suspition to Nanna who had begun living on earth in the small town of nammimori in japan after she had married her spur of the moment sweet heart after a whirlwind romance that had only lasted a few months. 

moon had not been pleased when she was invited to the wedding only a few months after she had been informend that her sister was seeing someone, her opinion of Iemitsu had not been improved by the idiot who had been introduced to her and was further souring the  longer he remained absent when he should have been right there worrying for the safty of his wife and child just as she was. Nanna had often told her of how buisy Iemitsu is and how he was gone for long stretches of time because of his job but this was the man's family and as her River had so helpfully pointed out any true father would have been there for the birth of his child, the idiot still didn't know that Nanna had any family and simply assumed Moon and River were simply her friends from Tokyo.


after what felt like an eternity waiting and fretting in the hall outside the delivery room Moon finally heard the faint wails of a baby taking it's first gasps of air, with in moments the two were allowed into the room where Nanna lay soaking with sweat even as she glowed with pride while looking down at the face of her child. the little one had been cleaned off and wrapped in a powder pink blanket that looked softer than a cloud, the little baby girl was sleeping peacefully as she curled up into her mothers side as if subconsciously recognizing the woman who had brought her into this world. 

"oh Nanna, she's absolutely adorable, what were you going to name her?" moon asked as her sister smiled up at her clearly exhausted from labor but trying to stay awake for a little longer just so she could keep looking at the little girl who had become the center of her world.

"Tsunahime, her name will be Tsunahime" Nanna managed to get out before she fell asleep with the little girl in her arms.

Giving a soft sigh at the adorable image the two made Moon took the birth certificate from the doctor and wrote down the child's name before allowing the medical staff to fill out the rest of the information, while she was happy for her sister Moon couldn't help sharing a disappointed look with River as the two sat in Nanna's room while she slept waiting for her husband to show up. 

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