Chapter 3

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moon stood in the castles ballroom directing her staff as they set up for the main party knowing that her messengers where keeping the kingdoms party from getting out of hand, thankfully she had experience in dealing with the more chaotic mewni traditions. it had been a long standing tradition for the mewni people to have large celebrations when someone passed a milestone, there were four milestone birthdays for a mewman.

the first was mostly for the members of the royal family, on their first birthday the child would be presented to the entire kingdom and their allies so they could welcome the newest addition to the royal line.

the second was at five when they were considered a child instead of a baby, at this age children were considered old enough to start taking classes on anything  from basic reading and writing to combat.

the third was at thirteen when they entered mewberty, while similar to the human puberty it was also the point where a butterfly gained their wings and could begin learning to use their magic without the wand.

the last was at seventeen, once a mewman passed this age they were considered a full adult in the eyes of the law.

of course when the party was for a member of the royal family then it had to be a kingdom wide affair with a parade thru the kingdom and a grand party in the ballroom, moon had set one of these full gala events just last year when tsuna had turned five. the people simply adored the two little princesses  and took any oppertunity they found to cuddle and pamper the children, not that moon coud talk as her and river where perhaps the worst when it came to showering the young girls in gifts or dressing them up in pretty outfits.

her little star shared her fathers coloring with light blond hair and blue eyes while tsuna was born with choclate brown hair a few shades lighter than her mothers and the most beautiful caramel eyes that just made you feel warm inside, the two were just too cute.

"auntie!" shouted the voice of little tsunahime as she ran inside the ballroom having already been changed into her dress for the evening, the simple orange dress with yellow accents was almost long enough to touch the floor and billowed out around the small girl as she ran into the ballroom.

"hello tsuna how are you sweety" moon asked as she knelt a little to catch the child who jumped into her arms for a hug.

"good but papa came home today with some stranger who said he was papa's boss and papa spun tsuna around so much she got really dizzy so tsuna stayed outside after that but then the nice little doggie came over to play for a bit" tsuna muttered sourly as she held on to her auntie who looked a little upset.

"see i told you that dogs can be nice, why don't you run along with manfred to see how star is doing she should be waking up from her nap soon and we're almost ready to start" moon said with a smile as she set the little girl down and directed her towards the manservent who was standing at the door. 

once the two were gone moon couldn't help but shake her head and sigh at her adorable little niece, the little girl had been deathly terrified of dogs for as long as any of them could remember so moon had taken the little one down to the royal dog kennels and after an hour of forced thou gentle interaction tsuna had managed to kick her fear. the child still had trouble with the larger breeds and those that looked intimidating but was no longer afraid of the smaller ones.

getting back to the final touches for the party moon tried not to think about tsuna's father lest the man put her in a bad mood for the rest of the night. it had been years since the last visit and while she was happy for her sister when she learned that the man had taken a whole week off work, it just wasn't freaquent enough for him to bond with or be there for his family. 


tsuna nearly chrashed onto her bed that night almost too tired to even change out of her dress while she could still hear the feint sounds of music and laughter comming out of the still going party, aunt moon had noticed her starting to doze off only a few hours after they had put star to bed and had ordered a servant to take her to her room. 

it had been just as fun and amazing as she had rememberd from her own party last year even though star was just a baby and didn't understand what was going on, the parade had taken them all the way  thru the capital before looping back to the castle where there had been a feast in stars honor. once the food and cake had been eaten everyone moved into the ballroom where the band began to play and people had grouped off to talk and dance while the children ran around having fun.

tsuna had seen the mountain of presents star had gotten and knew that auntie moon would be busy tomorrow opening all of the gifts and writing thank you notes to everyone who had given them a gift. 

hearing a strange noise coming from the hall tsuna couldn't help her curiosity as she crawled out of bed and made her way to the door, stepping out into the hall she heard someone running down the hall and after a split second decision decided to follow them.

as she ran thru the halls tsuna saw a number of closed doors and portraits of people she had only heard of in passing from her auntie moon or uncle river, reaching the end of the corridor she was surprised to find the doors to a large sitting room opened.

the room was as beautifully decorated like the rest of the castle but even tsuna could feel the air of importance that weighed down the room, following the heavy feeling tsuna found herself standing in front of a large leather bound book with what looked like gems embedded into the cover. unable to help herself tsuna reached out to touch the cover, only to jump back as the book flipped open on its own.

"who in the world is waking me up" a little blue man said as he sat up from where he was laying inside the book, the man was a little bigger than her hand with a large pink gem embedded in his forehead that looked strange when combined with his yellow robe.

"who are you?" she asked as she stared at the strange little man with fascination, the man smiled at her as he stood up on the pages of the book.

"I am Glossaryck, the keeper of the royal book of spells, its a pleasure to meet you my lady" Glossaryck said as he gave her an elaborate bow.

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