Chapter 4

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Glossaryck hummed to himself in a quiet tune as he left the delitful little child in her room after he had guided her back to her bed, the little girl was a sweet little thing who had more potential in her right hand than any queen he had seen in generations.

normally he could sense how a persons magic was alined wither it would be better at defensive, offensive, light, or dark magic. tsuna was strange in the way that he could sense an unimaginable amount of magic stored within the child but it didn't seem to lean toward any specific area leaving her magic feeling wide and open as if he had been embraced by the sky itself.

Glossaryck had always loved teaching others about magic and he wasn't about to let a student like tsuna slip thru his fingers, this was the reason why he was floating down the castle halls on his way to have a talk with queen moon. he found her at the entrance saying good bye to the last of the guests who had stayed to the end of the party, he could tell that she was exhausted from the long night and hectic day but this was something that he wanted to discuss now instead of in the morning as it was always best to jump on potential instead of letting it sit.

"good evening queen moon" he called as he floated up to her, moon turned to him looking rather surprised and a little curious to see him out and about when he usually preferred to stay asleep in the book of spells.

"good evening Glossaryck, what are you doing up at this time of night?" moon asked as the two of them left the ballroom and began making their way to the room where Glossaryck preferred to keep the royal book of spells.

"I had a rather interesting little visitor come find me a few hours ago, she is the reason why I have come to speak with you my queen. I have felt the magical aura that sleeps with in little Tsunahime and she has more magic potential than I have ever felt in the last three centuries, it would be a crime not to teach her to use magic" moon looked at Glossaryck in shock, she knew that not everyone wielded the same amount of magic or could even use magic to the same degree but to think that Tsunahime held such potential was astonishing. 

"are you sure Glossaryck, I mean star" before she could finish her sentence Glossaryck cut her off.

"I know that star is your heir my queen and I'm not suggesting removing her in favor of Tsunahime, all I am asking you is for the chance to teach Tsunahime about magic and how to control the gift she has been born with because if we don't it will either harm her or those around her as she simply has to much to simply leave it dormant. star will not need me for another ten years at least before you pass on the wand to her in that time I will have been able to complete tsunahime's training and taught her how to wield her magic with out the use of the wand, please at least consider it my queen" Glossaryck said before returning to the book of spells and leaving the queen to think everything over as she made her way to her bed for the night.


the next morning dawned bright and early as the castle came alive once more with the noise of servants running around and doing their duties, a large number of maids were busy in the ballroom cleaning up the remains of the party from the previous night while the other servents were going about their usual morning of making breackfast and waking the royal family. 

before heading down to breackfast moon decided to stop by the book of spells and speak with glossaryck about what they had been discussing the previous night, she would be swampt by stars gifts once breackfast was over as she would need to open all of them and then compose a thank you card for each gift that had made up the near seven foot high mountain of presents that had accumulated the night before.

"good morning my queen" glossaryck said as the book of spells opened as soon as she had entered the sitting room.

"good morning glossaryck, i have thought about what you said last night and you're right, if tsunahime does indeed have such a large concentration of magical power within her then it would be best for her to receive the trainging she needs to learn how to control her magic just like nana learned to control her own when she was younger" moon said as she stood in front of the magical guardian who had been the guide of her family for generations.

"a wise choice my queen thank you for agreeing to this, i will need to take the spell book with me after a few years so she can learn some of the families spells and learn from past queens but most of tsunahime's training will be focused towards making her own spells and using waandless magic" glossaryck explained as the two began walking down to the dinning hall for breackfast where they would inform tsunahime about her new leassons.

"very well but i hope you know that nana is sending her to a school on earth so she will be able to better blend in with the other people on earth so you will have to structure your lessons for the weekends and after school hours" moon said as they entered the dining room to find river entertaining the children with his impressions and other silly behavior to make the two girls squeal and giggle in delight, it always warmed her heart when she saw river playing with the two and being allowed to be his over excentric self without worrying about other judging him as simple or idiotic. 

"glossy!" tsunahime suddenly cried out as she caught sight of moon and glossaryck as they entered the room, moon couldn't help but give him an inquiering look for the obvious pet name while glossaryck simply laughed it off and floated over to the little girl.

"how are you this morning hime?" he asked with a fond tone as the little girl smiled up at him and began talking a mile a minute in her exhitment. at the end of breackfast before tsunahime could run off to explore or take star to the nursery to play moon stopped her before she could get up from her seat.

"tsuna there is something very important that i need to tell you so please listen closely and stay quiet until i've finished" moon said then waited for tsuna to nod before she began speaking again.

"last night glossaryck here told me that you fond his special book of magic, now your not in trouble in fact glssaryck told me that he wants to teach you how to use magic. i've said it was okay but you will need to ask your mama if its alright and if she says yes then there are a few rules that you have to follow tsuna, if your going to be learning magic than you have to keep it a secret okay not even your father can know about it." moon said as she laid down the rules for the girl, it wasn't that she thought tsuna would tell anyone dangerous but she didn't trust imeitsu do not do something stupide if he learned about magic to soon.

tsuna smiled in joy and agreed to keep the secret before she ran out of the room with Glossaryck for their first lessons.

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