Chinese food

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You sit on a couch, waiting for your Chinese food to arrive. God your bored. You were just about to start ripping your hair out, when you hear the door bell ring.

Leaping off the couch you run to the door, excited for the food. All the noodles and fried rice, steamed veggies and- you open the door to find Leo- your best friend sense third grade- smiling crookedly at you.

"You look disappointed." he said, his grin slowly lowering.

"Oh, no. It's just I was excepting My food to be here. I'm freaking HUNGRY!!" You dramatically wave your hands in the air. His smile regained its former glory, with his pink gums showing slightly above his white teeth- not quite blinding, but close. His slightly crooked teeth, next to his thin, wide lips are so cute. you wonder why he's single. You smile back, hoping he didn't notice you staring at his mouth, because that could be awkward.

He walked passed you, brushing your shoulder. You fight the urge to shiver. His touch did that to you and you hate it and love it at the same time.

He sits on the couch in an unusual position. One of his legs rests close to his chest while the other lay underneath the inner knee {inner knee..?} of the other leg. He rests one arm on the knee on top, and the other stretching to reach the remote.

"What are you even doing?" you ask sitting next to him.

"Trying to turn on the TV." he said, still reaching for the remote,"could you give me a hand?"

You stand up and clap, yelling things like,"yeah you can do it!" and,"almost there! almost there! you got this!" You stop when Leo gives you a glare.

"Okay fine" you hand him the remote.

"Thank you" he said laying back and hitting the on button.

The TV flashes one of your least favorite shows. You and Leo both grunt and he flips the channel. He keeps changing it until it lands on a blank blue screen.

"Go back to the last one.. I mean I don't like the show but it's better than this." you said, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"You know what, we just won't watch TV." he turned off the television and looked at you. You look back at him looking confused at why he was looking at you.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" You feel around your face, making sure you don't have anything on it.

"No I just... never mind." he turns away.

"No tell me." You said back.

"No just forget it" he rubs the back of his neck.

"No. Your gonna tell me or I'll..." you aren't very good at threats so you leave it at that.

"You'll what?" he asks teasingly.

"Or I'll take away your dragon doll." you know he hates when you call it a doll, but you do it anyway.

" He is not a doll. I made him to be a small sized robot dragon. Also he can shoot fire at you and cool stuff so I'd watch out" he turns back to you his arms crossed.

"Whatever you say." you reply, hands up in surrender. "now tell me."

"Well.. do I have to..." he said whining like a baby," cause I don't wanna!" he begins pouting.

"Well you do so go." you look at him sternly.

"Well.. see I-" he was interrupted to the doorbell. You stand up walk and toward the door. You can smell the food through the door. The Chinese food has arrived. Opening the door you can feel your stomach growling. You pay the guy and take the food, automatically opening it.

"Oh my god it smells amazing." you state, walking to the kitchen for silverware.

You grab two forks and sit on the couch next to Leo, handing him one.

"Thank you" he said taking the fork, though if he is thankful for the food or the interruption you don't know.

You eat in silence for a while, until you take a break from stuffing your face to say,"Continue."

He acted like he didn't hear you, still eating. You nudge him forcing him to notice you.

"What?" he said swallowing.

"Go on." you say, waving your fork.

"Oh uh I forgot.."

"No you didn't. What's up with you? You've been really weird lately."

"Yes I did and No I haven't."

"Yes you have."




"Yes you have."

"No I have not."

"Are we really gonna do this?"

"Yes we are, because I have not been weird lately, and I did in fact forget."

"Whatever you say Leo." You say eating some more noodles. You eat in silence again for a while, until you feel a hand on yours. Looking up from your food you see Leo's hand on yours and him looking at you.

Again you say,"What?" but he just looks at you. It was starting to get awkward so you ask if he is okay.

You feel something soft and warm on your lips leaving you shocked and paralyzed.

Leo is kissing you.

You kiss back not sure at first what was happening. You feel Leo smile against your lips.

He pulls back looking you in the eyes.

"I have liked you for a long time and it was just recently it was getting hard to hide it."

"You could have told me." you say softly.

"It's harder than it sounds. And your not the easiest to talk to about this stuff." he said looking away shyly.

"Yeah sorry." you say looking shy also.

Leo turns around to face you,"so do you like me back or..."

"Well.. I've kinda had a crush on you a while too..." you scratch your nose nervously.

"What? How the heck did I miss that?" he said looking really confused.

"I did make it obvious.. so I don't know." you shrugg.

"Well I guess you just couldn't resist this smocken' hot flame of a guy!" he pointed at himself with his thumbs.

You just hug him and say,"I guess so."


Cheesy I know, but hey cheese is cool

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