Out of love:8

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"I won't tell you I'm lonely,cause it may be selfish

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"I won't tell you I'm lonely,cause it may be selfish."
"Won't ask you to stay,but let me ask you one thing. When did you fall out of love?

2 years later.

Harlem was now 20 and fresh in collage. He went back to Morgan and they've been dating for quiet sometime now. He still wasn't in love with her. Harlem still didn't believe in love but he thought he was close with mason.

He never went out with mason but when she left. She moved away with her father. She finished her high school year there and he never heard from her since.

When mason left it was the closest thing to heart break he'd ever felt. Harlem truly was lost without her. He didn't know what to do ,but Morgan was there for him. That's one of the main reasons he went back to her.

Harlem was going to school to be in the FBI. He loved the idea of that. Morgan didn't like it. She thought it was dangerous.

"Harlem,hey are you listening." Morgan snaps her finger in his face.

"Oh shit sorry I zoned out for s second." He says laughing.

"Yea I know,but as I was saying she's back you know." Harlem mugs her.

"Who's back ? You expect me to know who because you said she's." He starts to laugh.

"Mason." Harlem heart dropped.

"Mane ... how you know?" He says looking at his phone.

"I saw her at a store. She was with some lady and I heard their conversation. She's transferring collages to go to the one down here." Harlem jumps up.

"Damn she's going to my collage?" Harlem says sighing remember all the good times they had. He regrets the day he let her leave always has.

"I'm pretty sure ... she's long in the past now though. She was a bitch and -" Harlem cuts her off.

"She wasn't a bitch. She was my best friend." Harlem says sighing thinking back to a better time. A time where he could actually say he was happy.

"Okay Harlem." Morgan says rolling her eyes.

"I gota go to class. I'll see you later okay." He says kissing her on the lips. It was just a little peck.

"Bye Harlem love you." She says smiling.

"Yea." He walks out the door. Morgan says she loves Harlem a lot. He never said it back not even once. He didn't like dishonesty and he wasn't going to pretend he was in love with Morgan either.

Harlem was driving wit campus. He was hoping to see mason but he knew the school was big. But he was still hoping for a miracle.

He's walking and he bumps into someone.

"Ouch." The girl says he looks down and his eyes go wide.

"M-mason shit is that you ?" He says helping her up. His prayers where answered.

"Uhh Yea. Hey Harlem long time no see." She says hugging him. He hugs her tightly.

"Damn I miss you." He says smiling. It was weird. It was like she never left. Neither of them were awkward they just picked right off where they left.

"I know you did. I'm missable." She says smiling and letting go. Harlem didn't want to let go but he finally lets her go.

"So your going here now ?" He says smiling at her taking her in. She's just like he remembered her.

"Yeah yeah I am. Majoring in law of course. You known I've always wanted to be a lawyer. I'm pretty sure your going to be an FBI if I remember right ?" He nods his head just looking at her. She remembers the little stuff.

"Yeah I am." He says smiling.

"Well it was great seeing you again. I have to go to class." She says walking away but he grabs her by the wrist.

"Wait uh can we catch up? Give me your number so we can text." He says pulling out his phone.

"Mmh I'll tell you what. Next time I see you I'll give it to you." She says smiling.

"No just give it to me now. I don't have time for that mason."

"Fine fine give me your phone gosh." She puts her number in his phone.

"I'll see you. Okay?" He says looking her in the eyes. All the feelings she's ever had came rushing back. She just nods her head.

"I can't wait to catch up with you Harlem." She says biting her lips.

"Same with you mason. I'll text you." He says walking off.

She can't be looped back into this. Not seeing him it was easy to get over him but as soon as she looked into his eyes butterflies hit her stomach. She had to shake it off. She had moved on. She likes the person shes with now and was happy. Not as happy as when her and Harlem were friends but happy.

If y'all haven't realized it by now the chapter names are song names

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If y'all haven't realized it by now the chapter names are song names.

Go listen to them. Like they're good songs. They're on my sad bitch playlist.

But anyway y'all like my story or what ?

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