Save lucifer

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Dan drove Chloe home and she was greeted by a warm hug from Trixie. She asked what happened but Chloe dismissed her and said she would tell her later and that it was time for her to go to school. " goodbye monkey." She said He blowing a kiss as Dan and Trixie walked out into the world. Dan still looked very concerned about her as he walked through the door and gave her one last concerned look. God, if Chloe hadn't acted like she did when she saw his face, he wouldn't have left! She thought to her self. Then she felt the tears start coming. Hold them back Decker you don't cry- but when she thought of the sweet British man and how she would never hear that annoyingly perfect voice or see that annoyingly perfect face -the face she fell in love with- again. She cried and cried. Hours passed by, but she didn't care. He was gone. Forever. If only she told him how she felt!! Then she could have even ruled hell with him. Well, or visit. She loved him. More than she had ever loved anyone- anything in the whole world and it was taken away from her like someone ripping out her heart. She threw her cup of tea which Dan had kindly made for her and then sank down and returned to sobbing.

~hours later~

Chloe had been on the floor for so long she had lost track of time- it felt like mere seconds ago when Lucifer had gone forever- and it felt like minutes ago when her and lucifer had been solving a case. Everything was so normal! Well, as normal as you can get with having the devil as your partner. She sat up and realised she had to think of the good times she had with him. Good memories- as that's all they were now - memories. She laughed out load when she thought of the time he had to pretend to be Pierce's husband- the look on his face when lucifer kissed him! It was priceless. Still, her smile faded when she realised that they were both gone. Yes pierce was lying to her but still, she missed him occasionally- heck- they neerly got married! But most of all she missed lucifer- the love of her life. She was probably never going to- "stop being so negative decker!" She said to her self " Lucifer wouldn't want you to be sad- would he?" Suddenly she thought- maybe he doesn't care about her after all- maybe her was just lying to her? No, lucifer doesn't lie. She was fed up. All these questions. She was done. She jumped up and stormed to the kitchen, grabbed her shades she wore after crying, and bursted through the door and out into the day light. Her eyes hurt from being in the dark for so long. But due to the sunglasses they adjusted fast.

Soon, she was at Linda's office. She knew she would find her there and maybe even Amenadiel. But like was on her side as she bursted in to see Linda, Amenadiel, and maze sat around the room. Maze idly twiddling a knife and Linda and Amenadiel in a deep conversation. As soon as Chloe entered all eyes turned to her. She stood there in awe. No one cared! " Lucifer is gone and you are just sitting around!?" She cried. "Look Chloe I know this is difficult but-" "difficult? difficult! I loved him Linda! How would you feel if Amenadiel flew away to some, distant land, never to return?!" Shouted Chloe. Linda opened her mouth then closed it. " you know what," she said " I have been pretending I'm fine but Amenadiel, this is NOT ok! We can't leave lucifer! It's not fair!" Linda said. Amenadiel was clearly sad but he didn't want to let anyone know- as he was still a loyal solider to god and stayed loyal to his 'plan'. "Guys," he said calmly " Lucifer left to protect you Chloe! And everyone else! Who knows what would happen if he didn't?!" He said. "We could have done what ever had to be done together! No matter what happens we could do it! I think we save lucifer!" She cried, adrenaline and hope coursing through her veins. "Yeah!" Said Linda. " maze?" Asked Chloe. Maze looked up " whatever." She mumbled. Amenadiel still looked shocked, but then he relaxed his face and finally said; " let's go get lucifer."...

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