chapter 3

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    I was getting ready to go out again to hunt more vampires. I needed to blow off some steam. Blake asked me during the movie why I go to the other side again causing us to get into a fight and get kicked out of the theaters. Honestly, she makes me so mad. Why couldn’t she just leave it alone? I had finished getting dressed, grabbed my knives and sword, and headed out the door. I ran to the other side of the woods, and surprisingly, I saw a bunch of vampires in a circle. I wondered what was going on. Well, doesn’t matter, I’m going to kill them anyways. So I ran up to them and immediately started chopping off heads. They formed a circle around me, but I saw a group of 6 running away, which was really weird because they usually all try and kill me at once, and I’ve never seen any run away.

    “Well, I guess I better hurry this up so I can see what is going on.”

    So I swung my sword around in a complete circle and took off all of the vampires heads. I then rushed into the woods to find them and kill them, but a heavy fog started rolling in. I knew I had better hurry up and find them before the fog gets to thick. While running in, I heard a tree branch snap, so I ran in that direction hoping that’s where they were. And I was right.

    When the vampires spotted me, they turned around to fight me but only 5 of them fought me while the other ran away. He appeared to be dressed differently than the others. He wore a black cape and had a ring on his finger. He also had a sword, but yet he was still running away! What is this guys problem?!

    I quickly chopped off 4 of the vampires heads and stabbed the last one. I knew I had to run quickly and listen very carefully, because it appeared that he knew where he was going, and I had no idea where I was. I then heard a string of curse words a couple of yards away, so I rushed over to see what happened. When I got there, I saw the vampire with his cape stuck in the sticker bushes. It was hilarious! He turned around to try and get his cape out of the bushes without tearing it too much when he saw me. He quickly unclasped his cape from around his neck and said “I am prince Ali, prince of the vampires. I can tell you are scared. Bow down to me, and I will make your death quick and painless.”

    When he said that I knew he was a stuck up, spoiled rotten nincompoop. I mean, who says that to someone that wants to kill them?! It’s ridiculous! I can’t wait to chop off his head and show him whos boss. And when I do, I am so taking that ring. It’s so pretty!

    “Yea, ok. Whatever. So you said your a prince, right?”

    “Yes, yes I am. You must be frightened. I almost feel sorry for you. Here I am, a beautiful immortal vampire, and you are just a mere human.”

    “Hey, wanna test just how immortal you are?”

    “There is no need to. Now bow down to me and prepare to die.”

    After he said that he started advancing towards me, sword raised. I acted like I was about to bow down to him, when I swung my sword up I sliced him right in half like a piece of bread.

    I wiped my sword on the grass to clean off his blood, took his ring and wiped that off to, cause, you know, germs. I put it on my finger and headed off to where I saw him trying to run to because chances are, that’s where the king is.


    When I finally arrived at the castle I was tired and hungry. But I knew I had to finish this. I couldn’t quit now that I was so close. I busted through the front doors and shouted “Come out come out wherever you are!”

    As I looked around I saw a huge staircase that looked like it was about to fall apart with a lot of dust on it. However, if the king is anything like his son, he going to be all cliche and make me walk up the stairs like they do in the movies. This is so irritating. But I will kill this vampire so I guess a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, whatever that means.

    When I finally got to the top of the staircase, I saw a throne and a horrid looking vampire sitting on it wearing all black and a red jewel necklace.

    “Ah, I see you have finally found me. I remember you. Your parents tasted so good. Their screams and pleads to stop were music to my ears. I wonder, will you scream and and beg for your life just like they did?”

    “My name is Lilith Jackson. You killed my parents. Prepare to die.”

    And with that he ran at me with incredible speed, however, because I have been hunting vampires for so long I was able to see him move. He raised his silver sword and swung it down, trying to slice me in half. I quickly dodged it and raised my own sword trying to cut off his head. He ducked underneath and punched my in the gut, but I kicked him in the face, breaking his nose.

    “You know, your a heck of a lot better fighter than your son,” I said.

    “My son? How would you know how good of a fighter he is?”

    He then saw the ring on my finger that once belonged to his son. He knew that I had killed him, which seemed to make him a little angry at me, seeing how he ran at me as fast as he could and just started slashing his sword around not even thinking about his attacks. He was blinded by anger. He sliced my side and my shoulder and I stabbed him in the stomach. He coughed up blood all over my face, which is rude and very disgusting. I wiped it off with the back of my hand, but I am definitely going to need to get a boiling hot shower after this. I realized he was to angry for me to easily kill, so I knew what I had to do.

    He stepped towards me and stabbed me in the stomach. I grabbed his hand so he couldn’t go anywhere, raised my sword, and cut his head clean off.

    I had finally done it. I killed him. But I had to get back home before I passed out from blood loss. I took the necklace the king was wearing and placed it around my neck. I then headed down the stairs and back to the woods. When I finally got back to town, I didn’t see any vampire which is strange because since I’m bleeding they would be able to smell it and would come after me trying to drink my blood. Then I realized why. I had killed them all. The town was free of vampires. I felt like a million pounds had been lifted up off of my shoulders. I headed home and just walked through the front door because I didn’t think I had the energy to make it through the window. The first light of day was just showing over the horizon. It was beautiful. I laid went to my bathroom to clean my wounds and bandage them, then I laid down on my couch for some sleep.



    When I finally woke up I felt strange, like I no longer had a purpose in life. I suppose it was because I’ve had my mind set on one goal for so long and I never actually thought about what I would do after I killed the vampire. I just laid on my couch for hours when I finally thought of my purpose in life. I must hunt and kill all vampires so no one will ever have to suffer like I did. Besides, it’s not like I have anything left in this town except for bad memories. My parents were killed in this house, in this room. My best friend hates me. Nobody else at school likes me. But I don’t want to just leave on a bad note. I need to talk to Blake. I texted her saying to meet me outside in 30 minutes, because I still needed to shower and change clothes. I know, I’m gross. She texted back ok and that I’d better not be late.

    When I was finally ready, I still had 5 minutes to spare so I just decided to walk outside and watch the sun until she came out. When she stepped onto her porch I ran over to her house. I needed to tell her what I was planning to do.

    “Blake, you have been so rude to me, and I have nothing left in this town except bad memories. I am leaving. You always got so mad at me for no reason at all and called me stupid and that is not what you say to a true friend. I have saved not only your life, but all the other pathetic lives in this town. And I want you to know, that I didn’t do it for you, I did it for my parents. So goodbye, and good riddance.”


    “Listen here you little black winged serpent, I really don’t care what you think of me or what you say to me. You are not my mother, so you can’t tell me what to do.”

    With that said, I turned around and walked away. The sun was just starting to set, so I knew I better hurry if I wanted to catch the train to my next stop. When I saw the train I jumped into an empty car. Tulsa, Oklahoma here I come.


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