Chapter 1

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The sharp cry roused Kuramochi from his slumber immediately, his ears tuned to any sign of distress from his 3-year-old. His eyes snapped open and he tossed the blankets off of himself, springing into action. The twenty-year-old dashed out of his bedroom and made his way down the short hallway and into Eijun's room. Although he could barely make out his son's face, there was just enough light to see the wet tears upon his cheeks. The young father made his way over to Eijun's bed, sitting beside him and pulling the toddler into his arms, rocking him and shushing his weakening sobs. He didn't know what the boy had been crying about and likely wouldn't get the chance to ask. Soon Eijun's sniffling silenced all together and was fast asleep, his steady breathing indicating he was at peace again.

Kuramochi sighed, debating on whether or not to put Eijun back to his own bed or to allow the toddler to sleep with him for the night. He had practice early in the morning and couldn't afford to lose any more sleep. He knew Eijun would sleep better if he were to wake up again next to his dad rather than alone in his room. Coming to a decision, Kuramochi stood, cradling his son in his arms and silently made his way back to his room. The man eased himself into bed, laying Eijun down beside him, smiling softly as he wrapped his little arms around his own, snuggling up against him. Kuramochi put his arm around the small brunette, pulling him closer to his chest before covering them both up with a light sheet. He then dared a glance at the alarm clock upon the nightstand and groaned inwardly. It was half past three and practice would begin around dawn so, he knew tomorrow would be a long day. Glancing down at the sleeping form beside him, Kuramochi reminded himself that it was worth it. The single father then closed his eyes, falling victim to sleep in a matter of seconds.


A yawn escaped from Kuramochi's throat as he carried Eijun the remainder of the way toward the Seidou practice field. Due to the early morning hours, the boy had gotten tired of walking rather quickly and was now resting his head against Kuramochi's chest, napping soundly. Smiling down at the child, Kuramochi held him tighter and began thinking of ways to keep the boy preoccupied while he was practicing. Most days he didn't have to bring Eijun to the field but with it being a Saturday there was no preschool for the three-year-old to attend. However, most of his teammates were already rather used to Eijun as they would sometimes babysit him.

Miyuki Kazuya, the team's catcher, was most acquainted with the toddler and was seemingly Eijun's favorite babysitter. He often times called Miyuki "his wife" (much to Kuramochi's disdain) and begged the professional player to play catch with him. Though he acted annoyed with the child's antics, Kuramochi knew that Miyuki had a soft spot for the boy. In fact, the kid's favorite baseball shaped nightlight had been given to him by Miyuki for his 3rd birthday.

Eijun also had a fascination with the other catcher, Takigawa Chris as well as the center fielder, Isashiki Jun. For the most part, the team was well acquainted with his son and with so many players, they all managed to keep him out of trouble and out of the way of Coach Kataoka.

"Oi, Youichi!" a voice called from behind him.

Kuramochi stopped for a moment, turning around to see Miyuki walking towards him, his hand held up in greeting. The sudden noise roused Eijun from his sleep and the small boy began to fidget slightly. Turning his attention away from the catcher, Kuramochi ruffled the boy's hair and smiled down at him, "Hey bud, have a nice nap?"

Eijun took no notice of his father's question, instead of holding out his arms and grabbing for Miyuki as the older boy approached. "Miyuki Kazuya!"

Rolling his eyes and knowing it would only upset the boy if he refused, Miyuki grabbed Eijun under the arms, holding him up against his chest. "Had to bring the squirt with you today, huh?"

Ace of Fatherhood (Diamond no Ace Fanfic) (sequel to 'Irresponsible')Where stories live. Discover now