Sticky Notes

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Preface: Reiner knows that Bertolt is extremely forgetful. He forgets where he leaves his stuff, he forgets his chores, and sometimes his anxiety gets the better of him and he forgets that Reiner loves and cares for him. To remedy this memory loss, Reiner leaves sticky notes around the house to help his boyfriend.

As per usual, Bertolt woke up before Reiner. He yawned softly and stretched, avoiding touching Reiner's sleeping form as to not disturb him. The taller male sat up and rubbed his eyes, before brushing his forearm over his mouth, ridding himself of the drool that had accumulated on his lips and pillow as he slept. He slid out of bed, silently, pushing the covers on top of Reiner, before making his way over to the closet. He paused, noticing a bright yellow sticky note attached to the handle. He pulled it off and brought it close to his face, squinting to be able to see it in the low light.
Good morning Bertolt. Your blue shirt is still in the wash, and your hoodie is laying on the couch. Mine is next to it if you'd prefer that one. See you soon, love you.
Bertolt smiled softly, and gently opened the closet doors, a soft creak emanating throughout the room. He tensed up and glanced over his shoulder, making sure he hadn't disturbed his boyfriend. Reiner lay still as a rock, snoring loudly. Bertolt looked back towards the closet, feeling relieved that Reiner had left the note, knowing he would have panicked if he couldn't find his preferred shirt. He pulled out a long sleeved black shirt and pulled it on, before swapping his pajama pants to jeans. He slipped the note into his pocket.
Bertolt then made his way to the kitchen, pausing as his hand brushed over the light switch and he felt another sticky note. He pulled it off the wall and flicked on the switch, continuing further into the kitchen as he read.
We're still out of eggs, don't worry about that though, I'll remember to pick some up today. Pancake mix is on the top shelf in the pantry and we have plenty of cereal and fruits. Don't worry about making me breakfast. Love you.
- Reiner
"Don't worry about making you breakfast, huh?" Bertolt scoffed, putting the note in his back pocket, and heading to the pantry, pulling the door open. "You can barely get up on time, I'm making you breakfast whether you like it or not." He kept his voice hushed as he talked to himself, pulling the pancake mix down and bringing it over to the stovetop. He pulled a pan out of the cabinet and set it on the stovetop, reaching for one of the knobs, before hesitating, noticing a green sticky note on it.
This one is still broken, the repairman is coming on Tuesday.
Bertolt slid the pan over to the other stovetop, and turned it on, pouring the pancake batter in when he was ready, and using a spatula to shape the pancake into a heart. He hummed softly to himself as he cooked, before turning away and going to the fridge, pulling the carton of strawberries out and rinsing them off, pouring them into a bowl and opening the silverware drawer to retrieve a knife to remove the stems. He paused, noticing a pink sticky note on the handle of the knife.
If you're cutting strawberries, I'm assuming you're making pancakes as well. Don't let them burn. Love you.
Bertolt tensed up, his eyes becoming wide and filled with worry, and quickly went over to the stove, flipping the pancake. He looked down at the overly-crispy burnt side of the pancake and sighed with frustration, removing the pan from the heat source and tossing the burnt pancake. He set the pan back down and poured a new bit of pancake mix in, reshaping it into a heart, before going back and grabbing the knife out of the drawer, taking the sticky note with and putting it on the countertop next to the cutting board. He glanced at the bright pink note occasionally and periodically returned to the pan, flipping the pancakes and creating new ones, until he had a stack of hearts and a large bowl of cut strawberries.
Bertolt then took the bowl of strawberry leaves and stems to the trash can and paused, seeing a blue sticky note on the side of the can. He dumped the trash in, before pulling it off, and reading it.
I'd appreciate it if you'd take the trash out, garbage truck is coming through in a few hours. Love you.
Bertolt nodded obediently to the note, shoving it in his pocket, and went and placed the bowls in the sink. He glanced at the stove and hesitated again.
"I'm forgetting something..." He mumbled, putting his hands on his hips. He walked over to the stovetop, tapping his fingers along the countertop, then the stove, dancing his fingers over the still hot cooktop. He yelped in pain and grabbed his wrist, holding his hand to his chest.
"That's what I forgot..." He whimpered, using his unharmed hand to turn the stovetop off before briskly walking over to the sink, turning the cold water on and sticking his hand underneath. He held it for a few seconds, tears forming in his eyes from the pain, then turned the water off and went to the bathroom, over to the medicine cabinet. A line of vibrant yellow notes caught his attention before he opened the doors to it. Each note had a separate word on it.
Don't forget to take your pills. Love you.
Bertolt opened the cabinet and took his pills as well as the bandages out, bandaging up his fingers first. Once he was done and the wrappings were secure, he looked the bottle over. On the back was a blue sticky note.
Two pills.
Bertolt smiled thankfully and opened the bottle with a bit of difficulty, taking the two pills and placing the container back into the cabinet, heading back to the kitchen. He glanced around the room, at the food, the stove and the sink.
"What am I forgetting?" He shoved his uninjured hand into his pants pocket and pulled out all the stickies he had collected throughout the morning. "Oh, yeah. The trash." He whispered, heading over to the can and pulling out the bag, tying it up slowly, before bringing it to the front door, pausing to read a green sticky note on the door.
Your car keys are on your nightstand, along with your wallet and phone. Love you.
- Reiner
Bertolt opted to leave the note there for later, thankful that Reiner knew where his valuables were, as he certainly could not recall. He finished his chore, disposing of the trash, returning to the house and locking the door. Bertolt headed back into the kitchen and looked around, noticing the food he cooked, going over to it and dishing it out onto two plates. He looked up as he heard a creak down the hallway, glancing over his shoulder as Reiner lumbered into the room, wearing a tank top and boxers. The blond male yawned and rubbed his eyes, before looking at Bertolt and giving him a sleepy smile.
"Hey, big guy." He mumbled.
Bertolt looked between Reiner and the clock on the stove. "You're up early."
"Yeah. Smelled pancakes. Did you make any for me?" Reiner asked, walking over to the taller male and wrapping his muscular arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder, looking at the counter top. "Aw, hearts. Cute. Like you."
Bertolt let out an embarrassed giggle. "Um, yeah, I made some for you too. Usually you get up, um, too late to prepare a good breakfast."
"You're certainly right." Reiner pressed his lips to the back of Bertolt's neck. "How have my notes been this morning? All good?" His warm breath caused the hairs on the back of the taller male's neck to stand up.
"Um...fine...I've um, well..." Bertolt stumbled over his words. "I...forgot to, um, turn the stove off, and I, um, burnt my...f-fingers." He said softly.
Reiner let go of Bertolt's waist and stepped back, allowing for the male to turn around and show off his three bandaged digits.
"Oh no." Reiner's voice was soft and sympathetic. "You're usually so good at remembering to turn it off." He gently took Bertolt's wrist and brought his hand to his mouth, gently kissing each fingertip. "It's okay, because daddy Reiner is gonna make everything better." He said with a wide, goofy grin.
Bertolt looked away, his cheeks turning pink in embarrassment. "I already feel a lot, um, better with you here."
"Good." Reiner dropped his wrist, turning around and opening a drawer, pulling out a pad of blue sticky notes and a marker. He uncapped the marker with his teeth, and wrote on the top note.
Don't forget to turn the stove and cooktops off when you're done cooking. And make sure it's not hot before you put anything on it, including your hands! Love you.
He peeled the note off and stuck it onto the working dial of the stove. "There we go, now there shouldn't be anymore problems with that." He said with a triumphant smile. Bertolt nodded with a soft grin, covering his mouth to hide his smile.
"Thank you."
"No problem." Reiner put the supplies away and walked back over to Bertolt, and gently grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away. "Lemme see that adorable smile of yours...oh there it is." Reiner's words caused Bertolt's smile to widen, as he softly giggled.
"Mkay, cutie, lets eat before we gotta go to class." The blond said, letting go of Bertolt and sliding behind him, grabbing the two plates off the counter and bringing them, over to the table, setting each plate down in front of a chair. Bertolt followed him over, and Reiner pulled out his chair for him, allowing the taller male to sit down.
"Thank you." Bertolt said in a hushed voice, as Reiner went and grabbed cutlery, bringing it back and setting it down next to their plates, before sitting himself down across from his boyfriend. As Reiner moved, Bertolt noticed a sticky note on the table. He picked it up and read it.
You have an early class today, starts at 8:10, make sure you're out of the house by 7:45. Love you.
"So...remember what we're supposed to do today?" Reiner asked as he began to eat.
Bertolt pocketed the note and looked down at his food. "Um...we have classes today, then, um, we, um..." He looked back up, his eyes wide with distress. "I don't remember, sorry."
"Then, we go out for dinner. It's our two year anniversary, Bert!" Reiner finished with a joyful smile. "Two years! Isn't that exciting?"
Bertolt didn't reply. He put his hands in his lap and stared at his food. "I forgot our anniversary...I'm so sorry, Reiner."
Reiner stood up quickly and went over to Bertolt, kneeling next to his chair, and putting both of his hands on his boyfriend's thigh. "Don't get upset, it's not your fault, don't worry!" He looked up at him, noticing his eyes watering. "Oh, Bertie, please don't cry. I love you so much, please don't cry."
Bertolt wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "I shouldn't have forgotten something big like that." He whispered, his voice shaking. "I shouldn't have...that's...that's one of the things I'm suppose to, um, try really hard to remember...and I didn't."
Reiner took Bertolt's slender hands into his larger, soft ones. "Hey. Two years. This event has only ever happened twice. I don't expect you to remember something like this. It's really okay. You are really good at remembering important dates, but only after they've happened a few times. Like, you know when my birthday is, right?"
"August first..."
"Yeah! See, you knew that. And you know when all the major holidays are. But that's because all these things have happened more than twice. It's really okay. Next year, I'll write sticky notes leading up to the date, okay?"
"Now turn that frown upside down, and let's enjoy a delicious breakfast together." Reiner said, letting go of Bertolt's hands and putting his own on the taller male's cheeks, gently forcing him to look at him. "Smile. Or I'll make you smile."
A grin pulled at the corners of Bertolt's mouth.
"Smile. Or I'll...I'll kiss you!" Reiner threatened. Bertolt broke into a smile.
"Okay, you win." He said, his eyes widening as Reiner pressed his lips to his. After a second, Bertolt relaxed, closing his eyes and kissing him back. They stayed interlocked for about a minute before Reiner broke away.
"Eat up, cutie." He said, heading back to his chair. Bertolt obeyed and began eating.
"I took the, um, trash out." Bertolt said softly, swallowing a bite.
"Good boy." Reiner complimented.
Bertolt nodded, occasionally glancing at the clock. He pulled out the sticky note about his morning class and reread it, realizing he needed to hurry up. "Do you, um, want the rest of my pancakes? I gotta, um, get going soon..." Bertolt slid his plate towards Reiner.
Reiner took it and gave him a thankful smile. "Don't forget to comb your hair. You have bed head."
Bertolt nodded and got up, going to the bathroom and going through his routine, brushing his teeth, combing his hair. He checked his face over in the mirror, making sure his skin was clear and there was nothing on his face. He read the notes on the medicine cabinet again, before turning and heading out, going to the front door, pausing when he realized his shoes weren't in the usual spot, instead a sticky note. He picked it up.
Your shoes are out in your car, but it was raining when I wrote this so I didn't feel like going to grab them. Have a good day of classes. Love you.
- Reiner.
Bertolt went to the door, rereading the reminder of where his valuables were. He quickly returned to the bedroom, grabbing his wallet, phone, and keys and made his way back through the kitchen.
"Love you!" Reiner called after him.
"Love you too." Bertolt replied, heading back to the door. He stopped and quickly went through his notes one last time to ensure he wasn't forgetting anything.
"Oh yeah, hoodie." He went to the couch and grabbed Reiner's hoodie, tugging it on, before heading out the door. He went to his car and unlocked it, grabbing his shoes and pulling them on, before getting in, noticing a pink and yellow note, one on his dashboard and one on his steering wheel. He read the one on the dash first.
Check to see if you need gas! Don't want my baby breaking down and needing me to come rescue him.
Bertolt smiled and read the one on the wheel.
Remember, tonight's our anniversary. Be home by five so we can go out for dinner. Casual wear is fine. I love you so much and I hope to spend many more years with you. Have a wonderful day, Bertolt. Love you.
Bertolt pocketed the note, and started up the car.
"I won't forget." He whispered. "I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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