Drunk!Aloha x Army

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(can squids even get drunk? Oh well, they do in this story)
This was requested from AsunaTiger

~Army POV~
I looked at my squidphone at the countless text I got from the annoying party animal *cough* sorry, Aloha. The text said that the party was being held at Mahi Mahi and it would be great if I could join him for once. Annoying squit, as if any party would be nice if I joined, he better at least have some curry that I can enjoy.

Aloha: Arrrrmmmyyyy, I know you are getting these texts~~ answer meeeee~

I swear I'm going to stab him.

Me: Give me one good reason why I should come to your annoying parties.

I wait exactly three seconds for a response.

Aloha: Cause I love you :3
Aloha: Party starts at six I will be expecting you <3

oh. That was a bit, unexpected. Um. How exactly do I respond to that. In my daze I turn off my phone and decide to discuss this with my team.

~Aloha POV~
Hehe, he is totally embarrassed right now. Though I should probably try to make curry for him though and bait him over here. Scuba, Octoglasses, and Straw have been pushing me to get him over so he can relax a little bit and have fun seeing as he is always so tense. Have to admit, it would be nice.
"A'ight, let's get to the party!" I hear Straw speak from inside the living room. Soon enough Scuba pops his head in, "Hey dude, you ready?"
"Yeah, just gotta find my shoes." Finding them almost under my bed, I grab them and slip them on, ready to head to Mahi Mahi.

Most of the walk there wasn't to eventful. ahead of me and Scuba, both Straw and Octoglasses holding hands and laughing at something the other said, but then Scuba pipes up. I can almost feel the glint of his mask. "So how many do you think will show up? Huh, Aloha, think Army will show up?" Scuba smirks in my direction. Following close behind I look up and notice it's not just Scuba smirking with a predatory gaze, but Octoglasses and Straw to. Oh cod, what are they planning to do that they didn't invite me. How rude.
Finally getting there all four of us bustle around setting everything up and getting food set up. I feel like I'm missing something though. Huh.
Straw watches in amusement. Calming walking over to the table I'm at watching me get lost in the feeling that something doesn't seem right. Jolting I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey, Aloha, what's got you so caught up. Has the thought of Army joing you for one of our amazing parties gotten to you, cause you forgot the curry."
She smirks pointing to the spot it would have gone...uh oh. No, did I really forget the curry. Of course I didn't. I pat down my aloha shirt even though it couldn't have been there. Yeup, I'm a fool proof genius who definitely didn't forgot the one thing that could have possibly been the ticket deal to get Army over here. I'm doomed.
Straws smirk though gets wider, showing of her sharp teeth, pat's my shoulder and turns me around. Oh. Octoglasses stands there a smile identical to Straws, and curry dish in her hands.
"We were expecting you to be caught up in your school cardigan crush, but jeez Aloha, not enough for you to forget the entire dish." They both laugh turning to eachother.

Lots of squids have showed up already and had brought more drinks and food and have started to get their squidbeats on, dancing like the world was going to end when the sun came back. Scuba came up to me since I was basically burning holes into the entrance way waiting for Army to show.
"Come on man, chill for a minute will you, it's not even 5:30 yet, you know Army and his team show up at exact time. Join the party and have fun." Giving me a slight shove towards everyone else. Giving up I decide to go along and party with everyone else. What's a party without me and my team after all.

~Army's POV~
Exactly 6 p.m, perfect. Getting to the entrance I check my manual to refresh myself on any tips I wrote down beforehand about 'parties'. Just a few, but that's better than none. Walking through with Forge-chan, W-sailor-chan, and B-sailor-kun we enter into the party animals domain. All three of them split off to go search for new things to write down and maybe enjoy themselves. I take a quick glance around Mahi Mahi seeing most crowd around the squid shaped pool drinks in hand or maybe a food plate. Turning to the table I see a glow coming from a dish, my mouth watering as I carefully step up to it, could it be, my one true love, curry? Grabbing a plate I pile on a considerable amount and find a place to sit, letting the flavour consume me.
Soon enough I am full of that amazing food and notice I should probably catch up with my team, see what their doing and if they've gotten good data. Just as I'm about to catch up the them I hear it.
"Aaaaarrrrmmmmyyyy!" Getting slammed into the ground I look up to see Aloha-kun, eyes half lidded and a ridiculous smile spread across his pale face. His pink side tentacle basically caressing my face, My eyes widen and I blush, he is really close to me. Suddenly, my frown deepens and I narrow my eyes, that smell.
"Aloha-kun have you been drinking?" I whisper yell at him, still not being able to get up from our position, and cause more of a scene.
"Hehe, maybee~" he slurs giggling while moving closer to my face
"Oh cod, what am I going to do with you?" I face palm trying my hardest to push him off of me, "I dunnoo, what are you gunna do wit me?" He smiles, why does he do this to me. Finally I manage to push him off and pick him up. "What I am going to do is take you home so you can gain some sense into yourself."
"Nooo, I promise I've been good I'm not toooo drunk, I-I swear. I drank like one."
"One too many more like" Octoglasses states sitting up from laying on one of the chairs food in hand.
"Ssshhhh, you don't kno-ow that" Aloha slurs turning to her.
"Go take care of him Army" She deadpans looking at Aloha with a great pokerface, obviously not wanting to deal with his squit. So getting a better hold of him I start to walk in the direction of his house.

It's already pretty dark out and most cephalopods are in bed from a day of intense battling. Oh boy, you expect Aloha of all squids to live somewhat close to Mahi Mahi, oh well. Dragging him along in his drunken mess of a state would have been a lot more peacefull, if he didn't flirt every 5 seconds. I'm almost tempted to put my beret over his face to somewhat quite him down during our walk. My face is already blooming orange. Aloha leans up and licks my cheek with his pink tounge and I feel like I'm going to faint.
"Heh, tastes like an orange" he giggles. He's gone, oh, he is so far gone, this stupid squid. I think to myself, blushing hard. Nonetheless continuing down the street.
"H-hey Army~"
"I loove you~"
"Shut up."

YAAAYY! I finally did it, first request done! Booyah!
XD okay, that took a little too long to get out, sorry about that ovo' plz, don't hurt me. I will try to be a bit quicker (try) in getting the other two out :3
Feel free to correct me on anything and hope you enjoyed.
Bonus: who got the reference?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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