✦.Full of Zombies.Ch.1.✦

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Down came you tumbling down a hill, a very steep one that could break a single bone in your body. You hit bushes, you squashed on bugs when you came tumbling down, you hit little spikes in the grass, but one thing that you didn't want to do was attract zombies or monsters some people called them. You hit a tree stump that stopped your fall as a sigh of relief washed through body for a speedy second before realizing you were in the open, you looked around to see no zombies wandering around with you quickly standing up running to the nearest convenience store.


As you tiptoed inside the scattered convenience store you saw many honey buns there sitting on the ground waiting to be taken, your mouth drooled at the sight; hoping there weren't any zombies close you walked towards the honey buns and picked them up quickly shoving them in your large winter coat. You swiftly turned around ready to walk out before hearing something crack, you froze in fear afraid to turn around; the crunching noise became much more noticeable as you gulped at the sounds. You closed your eyes turning back around to where the sound was coming from and opened your eyes, to your surprise there was nothing there but soon you realized the sound was coming from the back corner of the convenience store.


Being the little curious person you were you walked towards the back corner to where the sound was coming from, you hid behind a shelf hearing the cracking stop. You took a deep breath and turned around the corner.

Nothing was there.

You slightly smiled as you closed your eyes relieved it wasn't a zombie while having your happy moment you noticed the eaten body lying there 'it looked like it was just eaten' the blood still dripped from the body and flies were swarming the rotting corpse, you heard a distorted grunt causing you to look behind you as you saw a zombie aching to eat you.


You gulped and kicked the zombie away pushing the zombie into a empty shelf you quickly took that as a opportunity and ran towards the front door but soon falling to the floor as a pair of cold, slimy hands grabbed you and held onto your ankle. Your eyes widened and your heart felt like it was about to explode, you felt tears wanting to prance out as you struggled to tug your ankle away from the zombie 'stupid zombie!' You thought as you kicked the zombie's arm before feeling another hand grab you lifting you up. You quickly looked up to see a silvered haired guy.


"Are you okay?" The silvered haired male asked as you nodded and looked at your ankle to see the zombie's head smashed; you shook your leg to get the zombie's arm off as it flew like a bird. "That was a close call, did you get bit?" The silvered haired male asked letting go of you noticing you could stand up by yourself, the silver haired male examined around the leg, arm and neck to see if there were any bite marks "she's clear!" The silvered hair male yelled as other males appeared.

"Why did we save her?" A golden blonde haired male asked causing you to frown "what? Come on at least a thank you would be nice you know" The golden blonde male snickered.

"Be nice" A male with light brown hair and glasses warned, "yea screw it, come on! The zombies are coming!" A red head yelled running out the doors with a dark blued haired male following him from behind, the silvered haired male tabbed your wrist and ran quickly causing you to almost trip on your own two feet, but luckily you managed to pull yourself back up and run as quick as you could too.


While running you reached at the gate with the other males; your eyes and mouth were dry and you seem to be dizzy from running a lot. The silvered haired male let go of your hand to open the gate but the gate didn't budge a single bit, "uh guys! Hurry up will you!?" The red head screamed fighting the zombies off along with a dark blue haired male. "The door won't budge open!" The silvered haired male yelled back pushing the gates "oh man! Why did we eve-" the golden blonde haired male was interrupted by you as you felt courage rush in your guts and you took a big step back and ran towards the gate pushing it open.

"-Woah" the golden blonde haired male gasped dramatically and chuckled walking past the gates, you sticked your tongue out at the golden blonde and smirked.


When you walked past the gates you saw the high school you once went to before the accident with the zombie virus; you wiped your tears away not wanting anybody to notice you crying. The group and you made it inside a classroom that seemed to be quite tidy and clean "well that turned out better than expected!" The silvered hair spoke up breaking the silence between them, you looked around and saw the dark blued hair slightly nod. You'd take your attention to the golden blonde and smile at him right before the doors slid open, you slightly flinched at the sudden noise and looked at the slid doors to see your old time friend "Judy!" You finally spoke running to the orange haired female you hugged her "wha-? Y/N how did you- I'm glad you're here!" Judy smiled hugging you back, you two stayed in the same position until another female walked in, you spotted the familiar red glasses and waved hi.

  "I'm back" the red glasses called putting down a bunch of items as she waved hi back to you "I suppose your name is..Y/N correct?" The red glasses asked as you nodded and asked the same based question "and I guess your name is Sue right?" You smiled walking towards Sue "yes, I am" Sue shook your hand as you came forward and held your hand out.

  You smiled as you let go of Sue's hand and looked at the men.


"Introductions would be nice." - Y/N ,, L/N.

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