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"..She can stay here." - Eugene

  Your smile shined bright surely blinding Eugene; You remembered as right before the guys saved you you picked up some honey buns.

  "Oh yes! Um- I picked up some honey buns when I was at the convenience store today!" You quickly unzipped your jacket causing massive amounts of honey buns to fly out "..shit! Do you know how bad these honey buns get when they get old?!" Eugene screamed hiding behind Lawrence merely shaking "I'm sure there not expired" you breathed with confidence picking one up as you tear apart the wrapper and took a bite, chewing the honey bun giving Eugene a normal expression "see? It's fine! Here have a bite from mine" you smiled pointing the half eaten bun at Eugene's face, Eugene's face grew disgusted and hesitantly grabbed the honey bun and took a small bite out of the honey bun. You smiled looking for a reaction coming from Eugene "..it's not bad" Eugene whispered silently walking over to you "you just got lucky" smirked Eugene 'his smirk is hot though' you thought clearly distracted by Eugene's smirk.


  "Oi what are you, brain dead?" Eugene mocked flicking your forehead as you flinched at the sudden action "hey! Watch out before I'll snatch that honey bun right out of your hand!" You threatened spotting the honey bun in his hand, Eugene swiftly turned around the corner and ran for it. You chuckled ignoring what just happened you turn to look at Harry "hey, so uh mind showing me around?" You asked looking at the classrooms and outside the window panes. "I'm sure somebody else would love to show you around" Harry chuckled winking at you with a smirk 'what's with these smirks?' You asked yourself before feeling a pair of arms hug you from behind, shocked you turned your head and found Judy smiling like always behind you. You smiled back struggling to get out of Judy's grip 'if I can't get out of her grip then how am I suppose to defend myself from zombies..' you sighed finally as Judy let you go "nobody can escape my hugs" Judy exclaimed running to the other side to face you, sighing you nodded "I'll just have to find a way" you joked swiftly turning around to walk before realizing. "Wait where am I gonna sleep?" You asked turning back around walking towards Lawrence "well, by the looks of it the only empty classroom was the one that had the explosion in it. All the other classrooms are taken so you're going to sleep with one of us" Lawrence answered looking around the hallway for any empty classrooms "Y/N! You can sleep in my room like sleepovers we use to do!" Judy popped out of no where, scaring you in the process. "I think that's a good idea, then it's settled?" Lawrence clapped his hands together and smiled at you "welcome F/N ,, L/N" Lawrence soon walked away seeming to go to his classroom as Judy excitedly grabbed your hand dashing to where Judy and you will be sleeping.


Judy bashed the door open walking in "ta~da!" Judy smiled warmly stretching her arms out wide, you viewed the room and to your expectations it was clean, and sensibly cold. You shivered walking in the room; noticing the thin blanket on the ground you pointed your pointer finger towards the direction of the thin blanket "it's cold in here...screw dying by zombies! I'll probably die of hyperthermia.." you joked plopping yourself down on the thin pair of blankets, Judy laughed and sat down next to you "a hug would wa-" you quickly scooted over tugging most of the blankets away from Judy "three hugs is enough for a day" you dramatically laid on the ground pretending you were suffering from Judy's hugs. "Four hugs a day is enough!" Judy squealed rubbing towards with wide arms, terrified you quickly used one of the blankets as a shield and covered yourself with another scared, but right then both Judy and you heard a loud thud on you two's door. Alarmed you walked towards the sliding door putting your head against the sliding door hearing for any sounds that seem to be made by zombies, nothing was heard as you looked at Judy confused shrugging your shoulders walking back to Judy "hey! Go check who's out there!" Judy squealed holding a pillow tightly as you sighed turning back around to check who was out there, when you tried to slide open the door it wouldn't budge. Your heart stopped for a mere second as you tried sliding the door harder with much more force this time but yet again it didn't budge open, you quickly looked at Judy with worried eyes "the door won't open! Not even a peek!" Judy quickly ran up placing her hands on the handle and pushed the door with as much force as she could "I- I can't get I open..!" You banged on the door "hello?! Help we're trapped in here-!" You yelled with a slight tremble in your voice.


(Eugene's POV)

  I was on the lookout for any zombies nearby the campus eating barbecue chips, I sighed getting bored of staring into the oblivion until I heard a loud bang nearby. The sound seemed to be coming near Judy's and Y/N's room 'shit' I thought as I quickly grabbed the crowbar Ethan left and ran towards Judy's and Y/N's room "hello?! Help we're trapped in here-!" I heard Y/N's voice and her loud bangs against the door, I looked at the handle to see somebody had manage to jam the handle 'what the fuck..Who would do that shit' I thought quickly realizing Judy and Y/N probably didn't know I was here since they were loud as hell in there still I decided to assure them that I was here "hey! Tone down your voice will ya?! I'm gonna get this stupid damn door opened!" I yelled feeling quite bold of myself, I heard Y/N's sigh of relief and simply chuckled 'weird ass' I thought before seeing a small shard of wood keeping the door hard shut 'damn this little piece did this? Huh' I quickly took it out opening the door to see Y/N's and Judy's frightened face. Suddenly Y/N walked towards me and hugged me, her soft hair grazing against my hoodie and her tears wetting my hoodie, I wasn't mad but relieved? Slowly I hugged Y/N back ignoring our surroundings. It only lasted a while because Judy interrupted "uh..Ship?" Judy chuckled running away as Y/N tried to chase Judy across the hallway before getting tired "tch I'll get her next time" I heard Y/N whisper as Judy disappeared into one of the classrooms.

Woooooooooo...I haven't updated in years dudes, uhhh so uhm yeah enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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