4.01 meet the angels

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Grace's POV

I woke up on the ground beside a wooden box. And I heard shouting coming out of it and I knew that voice.


I got to my feet and started to try  pull it open with all of my strength and I did.

I opened it to see Dean in there.

"Dean?"I ask to make sure and he nods.

"Yeah,it's me"he says and I help him out.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know?" he says and we look behind us to see the place look like a bomb went off.


'After that we tried to get to Bobby but we couldn't so we hitched a ride to Bobby's. And when we got their Bobby was convinced we were demons or shapeshifters.'

'And it took a couple of times but he believed us then we asked about Sam and Bobby said. He just went off on his own.'

'And we were not happy about that.'

'So we went to him only to see him with a girl and Dean interrogated him about bringing us back but he said 'no' he didn't.'

'And that rose a big question.'

'If Sam didn't brought us back'

'Then who did?'

After that Bobby said he knew a phychic that could help,so we went to her house.

And she flirted with Sam and Dean most of the time, then we got started.

And Pamela started chanting then she said two names.

"Sorry, Castiel and Zariel I don't scare easily."she says and Me, Dean and Sam share a confused look.

"Who's Castiel and Zariel?"

"The person I'm talking to." she says and continues chanting until a white hot fire appears. And Pamela falls to the floor screaming.

"My eyes, My eyes, I can't see!"she says sobbing

'And I felt bad for Pamela and wondered who was Castiel and Zariel and. Why did they burn out Pamela's eyes.'


After that Bobby stayed at the hospital with Pamela. And me and Dean left to a motel.

I started reading a book when I hear screaming that sounds like Dean, so I jump up and went to Dean to see him holding his ears in pain. And I helped him to my car and we drove.

While we were driving Dean lied to Sam and said that we were gonna take this thing head on. And I disagreed since it was to risky and dangerous.

But that didn't stop him though so eventually. I gave in and we went to face it on.

"Are you sure you did it right?"Dean asks and I glare at him and he puts his hands up in defense.

"Okay touchy touchy." he comments and I roll my eyes then suddenly we hear noise on the roof. Like thunder then the doors open and in The shower of lightning.

There is a man in a trench coat and a woman with Black hair wearing a pantsuit. And me and Dean take out our guns ready to shoot.

And we did but it barely phased them then dean takes out Ruby's knife and Dean stabs him, but it doesn't phase him he took it out of his chest and stared at us intense.

"I'm not a demon, Dean and neither is she."he says in a gravely voice and Dean glares at him.

"Who are you two?"I ask in a bit of fear and the guy turns to me and tilts his head.

"There's no need to be afraid Grace Winchester,were not your enemies."he says staring at me with intense blue eyes and it was very hard to look away. Until Dean broke the silence.

"Hey, answer the question."Dean says and the guy looks to Dean

"Were the ones who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."he says and then the woman speaks up.

"Actually I pulled you out, and he pulled her out."she says and we stare at them with mistrust.

"Who are you?"I ask in curiosity and a bit of fear.

"I'm Castiel and this is Zariel."

"We know that we meant what are you?"Dean asks in annoyance and they both stare at us intense.

"Were angels of the Lord."he says and my eyes widen in shock and awe and Dean notices.

"Grace, don't tell me your believing this?"Dean asks and I shrug.

"It kind of makes sense to me I mean Ruby's knife couldn't kill him, and what else could do that?"I ask and Dean rolls his eyes.

"No, I'm not buying it there's no such thing as Angels."

"Why not?"I ask and he looks at them in anger.

"Because there isn't."

"What's the matter Dean? Do you not have faith?"he asks and Dean turns away from him so I cut in.

"So what are you in business account and secretary?"I ask and they look at their vessels.

"This is a vessel for our holy spirits to inhabit, but they prayed for this."he says and then I remembered Pamela.

"You burned out those poor woman's eyes The both of you, why?"I ask and they sigh.

"Not everyone can handle seeing our true forms, she shouldn't have peeked that's entirely her fault."The girl says and I scoff in disbelief.

"Well aren't you a rain of Sunshine."I comment and she shrugs and I roll my eyes.

"We came here today for your help."

"Well, not us but our father."


"God."he says and my eyes widen.

"God?"I ask and they nod.

"Yes he has work for The two of you."he says and we grow silent not knowing what to say to that.But there's only one thing I know.

God is real.

Angels are real.

And there's something going on in this something bad about to happen.

And Me, Sam, Dean.

Are in the smack middle of it.

That's not a good thing for either of us.

End of chapter one

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