Damien x Glenda

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This was Requested by the lovely Glenda

I hope it was what you wanted Love :)
Name: Glenda

Person: Damien or Wes You can choose

Plot: that the person helps with a personal problem of "Glenda's" and that's how they connect

Gender: Female

Info: Glenda is a weird bean and has anger issues but can be very creative and positive


Glenda's POV

My day could not get any worse. First I miss my alarm, then my car breaks down on my way to work, I'm sick, and I'm really fucking stressed out. AND IT'S ONLY 6:00 AM! I actually want to break a window, but I'm not going to, because that would be really sucky. I need to get to work. I pull out my phone and call my best friend Persephone. She picks up right away, "Girl where are you, we are literally filming in like, 10 minutes." I hear her say through my phone. I let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah about that, Umm, I need you to come and pick me up. I sitting on the side of the road in my car because the battery died." I mentally face palmed as she let out a loud laugh, "Where are you exactly because I'm gonna have to send someone." She said giggling. I looked at a street sign and read it off to her, "I'm near Roseville Parkway. Like halfway down the street." She sighed, "I'm sending my friend, he will come and pick you up and drive you home, don't worry about coming in to work today, I understand how shitty the days been. I'll come over after I get off tonight."(That's what she said, Haha, sorry.) I smiled slightly, "Thanks Perse, I'll talk to you later." I said. "Bye Glenda." She said sweetly. "WAIT BEFORE YOU HANG UP WHOS PICKI-" She hung up before I could finish my sentence. 'I hope she sends her sister or something.' I thought to myself.

Damien POV~~{Ohhh, POV switch, this is crazyyy}

I was sitting at home scrolling through twitter when one of my best friends called me. I smiled lightly and picked up, "Hey pers, what's up?" I asked nonchalantly on my phone. She sighed, "Hey Dames, can you to do me a favor." I nodded before remembering she can't see me, "Yeah, okay what's the favor?" I asked. "I need you to pick up my friend Glenda, she has had a rough morning, a rough week really and she needs someone to pick her up and drive her home." She said. I contemplated whether or not to do this for Persephone, but being the wonderful person I am I decided to do it. "Yeah okay, I can do that. Where is she right now?" I asked getting up and grabbing my car keys and heading out the door. "Shes parked down Roseville Parkway." She said rushing. I sighed as I locked the front door and opened the driver's side door, "I'm on my way now." I said pulling out of the driveway. I heard her clap, "Great, thank you so much, Dames, you truly are a life saver." I smiled, "Yeah, Yeah. Bye Perse." And with that, I hung up and went to pick up a mystery girl that I've never met.

Third person POV //Timeskip//

It took Damien 15 minutes to get to where Glenda was.  He pulled up behind the girl's car and got out. Glenda opened the door of her car and stepped out as well. She walked up to Damien and smiled at him. she held out her hand for him to shake, "Hello, I'm Glenda, I'm Persephone's friend, and I'm guessing you are here to pick me up?" She smiled as he encased her smaller hand in his. He smiled at the pretty girl, "Yes I am here to pick you up and escort you home." He said in a mock British accent. She laughed, and he was stunned but the sound. To say the girl was beautiful was an understatement. She was absolutely gorgeous. She smiled at the taller man, "Why thank you, kind sir! Shall we be going?" She said back to him in the same accent but slightly better. He chuckled and nodded. Glenda ran back to her car and grabbed her bag, "Let's go then!" She said excitedly pulling him to his car. 'For having a bad day/week, this girl is really really happy and super gorgeous!" Damien thought to himself as he got in and started his car. "So to drop you off I'm gonna have to know how to get to your house," Damien said as he started driving in a random direction. She laughed softly and bit her lip, something she did when she thought about something. It drove Damien crazy. "So the fastest way would probably be down main and then hang a right at South point Ave. Then take 52 all the way to Buckheart street and then my house is the gray one on the left." She explained, using her hands as she talked. Damien nodded along, still thinking about how she bit her lip. "Alrighty, Miss. Glenda, Let's go." He said speeding up. She smiled happily, "YES! ROAD TRIPPPP!" She said smiling before adding on, "EVEN THOUGH IT's only a 25-minute drivee!" She said quieting down. Damien laughed and looked at her, admiring her, but at the same time trying not to seem too creepy.

5 minutes into the drive Glenda realized, "Hey stranger dude, I don't even know your name." She said turning towards him, bring her legs up to rest criss-cross on the seat. His eyes widened, "Oh gosh, that's so rude of me! I'm Haas, Damien Haas." He said looking at the girl beside him. She let out a small laugh at his adorableness. "Well, Mr. Haas, It's a pleasure to meet you," Glenda said smiling at the man.

For the rest of the drive, Damien kept noticing little things about her that made him want to do things to her. From the way she bit her lip, to the way she talked with her hands, it drove him crazy. So by the time he pulled into her driveway he was struggling to hold himself back. unknown to him, Glenda was feeling the same way. She noticed how his brow furrowed when he said something he found interesting, how he licked his lips every so often, and how he was just hot without trying too be. "So this is it," Damien said putting the car in park. Glenda sighed, "Yep, it sure is." She said, hesitantly unbuckling her seatbelt. "Thank you for the ride, Damien Haas." She said opening her door. But she didn't get out, Instead, she turned and looked at him, slightly gnawing on her lip, thinking about what to say to the brunette. He stared at the girl, waiting for her to say something. "Would you like to come in and maybe hang out for a while?" She asked. "Absolutely, of course, yep." He said quickly getting out of the car. Glenda smiled and got out as well. She shut the door and walked up to her home. She unlocked the door and welcomed Damien in. "Welcome to my tiny house, Its small but its home." She said taking off her shoes and hanging her keys. "It's nice, Cosy," Damien said looking around. He couldn't think at all. He admired the girl. He imagined how he could grab her perfect hips, run his hand through her silky hair, and kiss her perfectly pink lips. "Glenda." He said quietly. The girl turned around and looked at Damien, His eyes a darker shade than they were before. He walked closer to the girl until she could feel his breath on her face. "I'm gonna kiss you now," Damien said moving closer to the girl so her body was flush against his. "Okay." She said, moving just slightly to close the gap between the two. He backed her into a wall as he kissed her hungrily, hands gripping her hips. A small whimper fell out Of Glenda's mouth as Damien slid his tongue in, exploring her mouth, leaving nowhere undiscovered. Her arms snaked around his shoulders as she attempted to pull him closer to her. She let out another soft moan as he lifted her by the backs of her thighs. "Where *kiss* is your *kiss* room?" He asked kissing down her neck. "Down the hall....first door on the...right." She said between short breathless moans.

Damien walked down the hall into Glenda's room. He gently threw her on the bed. he took his shirt off, as did she and hovered over her for a split second before kissing her neck. She moaned as he softly bit down on the soft skin. He reached under her and unclasped her bra, pulling it off of her. She moaned as he moved his mouth to her right breast and used his hand to play with the other one. He switched and gave the other one the same treatment. He pulled away from her to pull his pants and boxers down. Glenda watched as his member sprang free of its cotton prison. She stared wide-eyed at it. She sucked in a long breath, "It's not gonna fit." She whispered to the brunette. He smirked and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "It'll fit, I promise." she just nodded and slipped out of her jeans. He slowly lined himself up with her dripping core. He looked at her, "You sure you want to do this?" He asked. She nodded. Damien slowly slid into her, letting her adjust to his size. She let out a cry of pleasure as he started to slowly move inside of her. At first it was a slow pace but he eventually sped up. Glenda let out a long moan as Damien sped up, using long deep strokes. "Oh my god, please for the love of Christ go faster!" Glenda said reaching up and wrapping her arms around Damien's neck. He listened to her and went faster if it was even possible. Soon after that Glenda felt the knot in the stomach get tighter, "Fuck Damien, I'm..oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" She screamed. "Me to Baby, oh Jesus." Damien said. After he said that Glenda felt the knot snap and waves of pleasure came washing over her. She let out a few loud moans and she road out her orgasam Soon after Damien pulled out and came on her stomach. He rolled off of her and laid on the bed beside her panting. "I should come pick you up all the time if this is what's gonna happen." He said, laughing. Glenda nodded, "Yeah, definitely." She said smiling.
Ahhhhh, I tried my best, idk if it's good🤦🏻‍♀️🥵
I hope you enjoyed it, and yeah👍🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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