Four: There's a Viking at my door

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(Just noticed a bunch of mistakes, this is me republishing- hopefully a new chapter will be out soon)

Reminder that there are two more updates before this one <3

Reminder that there are two more updates before this one <3

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Lucas' PoV
3 days later


Smuck smack

Someone knocks on the door, an irritating disturbance to the night of binge-watching tv I had planned.

Staring at the closed entrance I debate, for just a second, whether to pretend like I'm not home. To prevent the anxiety of speaking to another living being and remain in the comforts of my blanketed nest for just a few more moments.

I sigh, looking back at the video I was watching, pulling the silky elegance of my duvet further over my frozen shoulders.

My stomach growls loudly in my body, begging for some food that I would be unable to provide.

Working at the local bar pays minimum wage and means that money and time is far and few between. I'm rendered to one meal a day, along with an apple at breakfast, to get me through my life.

Smuck smack
Smuck smack
Smuck smack

Another round of knocks rumble from the visitor again and I realise- with hopelessness rising in the pit of my stomach- that they're not buying my act of invisibility (possibly it was something to do with the noise of my TV or the light shining underneath the thin door).

Perhaps I should have thought this through a little more.

Great, now not only was I going to look like an awkward, stumbling mess but a rude, awkward, stumbling mess.

So I stand up, with legs trembling underneath me from hours of YouTube binging. Waddling towards the door, an attractive sight I'm sure, I tug stray popcorn pieces off of the oversized t-shirt I'm wearing.

My hands shake at a scarily fast pace as I do so- another reminder to get this visitor to leave as soon as possible.

I try to make myself look presentable, yet not really caring if I don't. Opening the door, ignoring the scars acquired from previous outbursts, I go to speak and-

Oh god how I wish I had put a little more effort into the way I looked.

There he is, Aaron, the kind-hearted Yorkshire man that lives in the flat directly opposite. Standing there, or rather leaning, like a rugged Viking ready to conquer England.

Yet, something seems off; something seems wrong.

Much like Harold Hardrada in the Battle of Stamford Bridge, a stronger enemy was winning.

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