||| 3; Lone wolf type

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You sat in the room where all other heroes stay, they are talking about something that you didn't pay any attention too.

You are doubting about everything right now.

Gun hero or whatever they say; all the honored and pride that every hero must get are all disappeared when it comes to you. You seem really like an extra, it's terrible.

Furthermore, the world that does involve magic has no new technology, because magic can provide what technology can't, or maybe magic can be a replacement for some new technology. That's mean, no cool gun.

Even this ancient gun is so cool and so outstanding. But you are more expertise with the modern gun.

"So, where did you come from? [Y/N]-chan? Any idea about this world?" Motoyasu suddenly asked you with a wide grin, you snapped out of your thought and turning your head toward him with a confused look. "You are a shy one aren't you?"

"..Huh? What? A-oh..." You blinked repeatedly. "I have no idea. I don't even know or feel familiar about anything in this world."

"Eh? Hm, strange!" Motoyasu sighed. "Then, let's do this! Whose portrait on your one thousand yen? 1! 2! 3!"

"Ichifuji Shigeno."

"Kogada Eniji!"

"Yuda Masato!"

"Yawahara Gotaro!"

"[Someone of your choices.]"

Unison but not even the same person.

"Who's that!?" Unison again.

And then, much more question about the world you came from is coming off their mouth non-stop. You decided to not ask any question. But what you've got is, all of you guys are from a different world but lived in the same country.

"So? you guys are from a different world right?" Naofumi said. "This world is the same as the games you all know right? But why I'm the only one who dumbfounded about this?"

"Well... It's maybe because you're the shield hero?" Itsuki tilted his head.

That sentence is not very nice.

"But, I don't know anything too." You stood up with annoyance glances. You think that Itsuki is cute, but yes, he is rotten inside, he tries to be salty whenever he can. And... he is not a good person in general to you.

"Don't be mad [Y/N]-chan!" Motoyasu approached you, ignoring your annoyed features. "Itsuki just said something true, isn't it?"

"But if you talked like that to Naofumi, then you're talking the same sentence with me." You stared at him with a deadpan expression. "So what? It's doesn't matter if we're the gun hero or shield hero. If you don't know something, do you want someone to blame on something that you can't deny becoming?"

"I-It's not that!" He looked angry, but your expression is something worse.

"Really? Itsuki-san?" You scoffed. "I think that all of you thinking the same. What a lame."

"Well, It's not a surprise to me," Ren said as he closed his eyes.

"What?" It's now Naofumi that said in dumbfounded.

"I know you're angry about this, [Y/N]-chan, and Naofumi too. But listen to this Motoyasu!" Said person beam widely. "You know about the class shielder in the games?"

Naofumi nodded his head. You narrowed your eyes like you see what's coming.

"It's a class for losers that no one chooses."

5th Hero; Gun Hero ||| [Rising of the Shield hero x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now