Forbidden Romance pt.10

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Harry and Draco sat together on the Hogwarts express as they were headed back to Kings Cross station for the Christmas break. There Draco's parents would pick them up and take them back to Malfoy Manor where Harry would stay for the entire Christmas break. Needless to say, Harry was extremely nervous as he knew that no matter how much he tried Lucius would never accept him; however Draco's mother, Narcissa, might be kinder to him. He dwelled on that fact and hoped that having her there would make the visit durable. Draco kept glancing at Harry for the entire length of the train ride, but neither of the boys spoke to each other.

The Hogwarts Express slowed to a halt, and Draco and Harry looked to each other. Draco stood first, and held out his hand to Harry. Harry took it and they walked out of their compartment, and exited the train.

Narcissa Malfoy was waiting as soon as the two boys stepped off the train. She half-smiled a bit of discontent in her face. She brought her son, Draco into a warm embrace kissing his head. She then held out a hand to Harry who took it reluctantly. She smiled as sweetly as she could, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Harry smiled back shyly. Keeping a hold on Harry's hand, Narcissa proceeded to speak.

"You boys, grab your trunks now, Harry, I will carry your owl." Narcissa spoke softly and warmly, but she was still had a cautious emotion about her. Harry and Draco grabbed their trunks from the conductor, and Narcissa took Harry's owl. Getting a few strange looks from other students departing the train, the three of them set out towards the Malfoy's vehicle.

Draco, Harry, and Narcissa piled into the back of the car, Draco sitting in between his mother and Harry. As the two Malfoy's and Potter were driven back to Malfoy Mansion, the same awkward silence that filled the train compartment, flowed into the car ride. It wasn't until they arrived at Malfoy Mansion that they were greeted by Lucius Malfoy with strangely kind words.

"Ah, Mr. Potter. How very pleased I am to have you spend the holidays in my home, with my dearest and only son, Draco." He stepped towards the vehicle and to the emerging Harry, welcoming him with a rather awkward hug. Harry could do nothing else but hug him back, feeling quite stroppy with the situation. "Come, come." With an arm around Harry, Lucius lead him into the house. Draco stood back, looking confused from his father to his mother. His mother could give him no other answer but a worried shrug.

Lucius brought Harry into his home and lead him into the drawing room. He invited Harry to sit and motioned to one of the servants that were standing at the entryway.

"I'd like some time alone with Mr. Potter, be sure that my son and wife keep themselves occupied elsewhere." The servant nodded and left the room, he closed the doors to the drawing room and Harry could hear them lock. He was now in the room alone with Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa and Draco were to be given instructions not to disturb them and Harry had no idea what was to unfold in the moments to come.

"So Mr. Potter, in my home for the holidays, I never expected this would happen." Lucius crossed his legs, and folded his hands neatly on his knees.

"Y-yeah," Harry shifted in his seat, he could feel Lucius just staring at him and it was making him rather uncomfortable.

"I don't know how the two of you came to this conclusion that you wanted to be together, but I don't like it. Draco is my only son, and I expect my only son to produce an heir to the Malfoy name." Lucius leaned forward towards Harry. "If he continues on with the likes of you, I will have no such thing, and I will not allow you to stand in the way of that. Draco already has a girl set up that he is to marry, and you will not interfere with that." Lucius then moved closer to the edge of his chair, practically staring Harry down. "Go ahead, have your little fun while it lasts, but when it comes time that Draco graduates from Hogwarts, I will be cutting the both of you off. You will never be allowed to see each other again, and I will also see to it that any letters you try to send Draco are immediately destroyed. Do you understand me, Mr. Potter?" Harry could not believe his ears but he could see a point in what Mr. Malfoy was to be saying, if only for blood sake. However, Harry also knew that there was too much inter-breeding amongst pure bloods so that they remained pure, and sooner or later something would go horribly wrong. Harry imagined the girl that Draco is set to marry is a distant cousin.

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