Chapter 1

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A collaboration with UNICORNPOOP!


"Where are we going, mum?" I asked, looking at my mother with desperate wide eyes.

She glanced at me, her eyes glistening with tears. Then she turned away, trying to close her overflowing suitcase. It was almost as if she was trying to avoid me. As if her eyes were bearing a message that she didn't want to reach me.

"Pack your things, we're leaving." my mother said simply, her voice all shaky, her back turned towards me.

I didn't question any further. I knew my mother would tell me once the time was right. Instead of pestering her any longer, I headed upstairs into my spacey bedroom, grabbed my suitcase and shoved a bunch of clothes inside. I knew there was no time to pick them out one by one.


"It's time I told you the reason for us leaving that day." my mother muttered, her expression the same as the one she had the day we left.

I nodded, a gesture for her to continue.

"It's your father, he --"


I shut the memories out of my mind, escaping the reverie that I was lost in. I subconsciously pulled at the bottom of my shirt. I walked through the hallway, clutching my books clothes to my chest, more nervous than I had ever been.

I ignored the conspicuous stares and drowned whispers that were obviously directed to me. I glanced around me, my surroundings feeling delightfully familiar. Memories of my previous reign over the school came flooding back. 

I used to be quite something..but now I was just plain old April Winters. Left one year ago as the 'Queen' of the school, comes back as your typical nerd. Sounds like your typical everyday occurrence, doesn't it?

Walking through the hallway never seemed more intimidating. I could feel the piercing eyes through my back. I rushed to turn the corner, relief washing over me as I saw the number '14' on an oak door. I turned the knob and walked in, unsure of whether to sit down or stand near the front til the bell rang.

After juggling my choices, I sat down in the front row, spending my time untangling my sweaty fingers. The bell rang and I rushed to the front, not wanting to make a scene on my first day back. A teacher I recognised as Mrs Kingsley walked in, smiling politely to me.

“New student?” She said. I nodded, as she sat at her desk, looking at a sheet of paper. Her hand hovered for a second before looking up. “Why on earth are you here early Miss Winters?”

Thankfully, I didn’t need to answer, as students came walking in and taking seats. It felt, weird, being the friendless one. I was nowhere near used to it.

“Class! I would like to introduce a new student attending Cambridge High.” Mrs. Kingsley said, pausing momentarily, as her eye caught mine. “Miss April Winters. Please come up April.”

Immediately, hushed whispers broke out.

“Is it the April Winters?”

“She’s back?”

“Gosh, from such a hot girl, what did they do to her?”

“Maybe she smashed her face down on the sidewalk." Ouch, Harsh.

A snicker from the back was heard.

The teacher looked stern. “Dylan Hunter, Detention. We should be giving her a warm welcome.” She nudged me forward. “Introduce yourself.” She smiled warmly at me.

I stumbled forward slightly, and adjusted my glasses. I felt so awkward now, before I’d just say whatever, and people would listen. Now? Well, everything changed. For the worse.

“I-I’m April Winters. And--” I began, but a hand was raised. Jennifer Richards, a cheerleader.

“Are you the April Winters? That left a year ago?” She flicked her hair out of the way. She turned backwards to the class, a smirk on her face. “And then she came back? What a loser.”

“Miss Richards, you too. Please stay quiet class, unless you all want to stay in?” Mrs Kingsley said, peering over her glasses, daring anyone to object.

I cleared my throat loudly. “A-and I moved here because of … family problems.” My voice dropped quickly. Jennifer sneered.

Mrs Kingsley bit her lip, deciding whether to tell me to keep going, or to spare me the shame and let me sit down. Thank god she chose the latter. “Ah…Okay, Miss Winter. Take a seat, and we will start English.” She gave a reassuring smile, and I slowly walked back to my desk.

The class went on, and almost every eye was on me. This wasn’t what I planned, I wanted to blend in. But no, now I’m the centre of attention again. Great.

Keeping my head down, I took notes, surely they’d stop looking at me, and just assume I happen to have the same name as the ‘Queen of Cambridge High’. The class ended soon, and I left almost as soon as the bell rung.

Several periods passed, and it was finally lunch break for me. I sighed at the thought of food, I was starving. Walking with a new spring in my step, I was jolted out of my momentary happiness as I was jerked by my shirt into a classroom.

“Let’s talk.”

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