First day of tearm 4

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Sam dropped me of at my school gates and drove away to his collage, he was in year 12 so there was a two year difference between us so that makes me in year 10

I hate school. No girls like me I don't know why but its been in trend for a while now and I'm just a floater I go from group to group but there only boy groups coz they are the only ones who actually tolerate me. My best friend is now in year 11 his name is Eric we have been friends for 3 years now and he made school so much easier for me coz I trust him and no one else at my school well other then Michael but iv only just become friends with him so im not taking any chances,Eric is in collage and it's been the worst year ever thankfully it's the last term I don't think I'd be able to survive much longer in this hell hol..


Mike snapped me out of my thoughts and into a big hug to be honest I didn't want to let go being near him just made me feel happy and that I could trust him and he was one of the best huggers but I can't test my boundaries coz he has a girlfriend she is the pretties girl at school her name is violet and she gets jealous way to easily. I could see her at the corner of my eye glaring at him hugging me so I backed away to finish the hug.

*ding **ding **ding *

"Oh god I hate that sound"

"Ha what's so bad about it?" Mike questioned

"It tells me to get ready for devil-like teachers" I responded quite quickly

But Michael just laughed and we started walking to the doors I could see he was a bit nervous but I didn't want to ask

"Hey Georgie?" He said nervously

" yeeeeeaah?" I asked

"Can I tell you something?" He questioned back so I nodded and as he was about to tell me his girlfriend violet came up and dragged him away from me taking him to a class they have together.

It was 2nd lesson and almost break I couldn't focus in class I couldn't stop thinking about what Michael wanted to tell me, I really want to talk to him at break but I wouldn't be able to without violet there and obviously he didn't want her to hear what he was going to tell me.

"Georgie?" The teacher asked pointing at the bored snapping me out of my thoughts

" hmmm.........oh..........ummm ...yeah?" I ask

"Can you tell me one type of energy?" The teacher smiled hoping I would get it wrong so I would get in trouble

"Kinetic energy" I answered hoping I used the right word

" you are very lucky miss Georgie. But next time listen to what I have to say"

She said unhappily.


"Okay class pack up you may go to break" everyone got out of there as quick as they could pushing and shoving so the teacher didn't have time to talk to you.

I was walking to go out side and sit under a tree when I hear a voice

" GEORGIE!! WAIT UP!!" I turned around to see mike runny after me so I stood there laughing coz I could see he ditched his girlfriend to hang out with me and the look on her face was the funniest thing ever

"Hey mike" I said as he reached my side but he just smiled and tried to catch his breath. We reached the tree and both day down I grabbed my good out and asked

" so what did you need to tell me?"

"Oh ahhh don't worry it's nothing" he replayed

I sat there looking at him and he finally cracked

" okay fine ill tell you" I smiled at have him all my attention

" I was thinking about breaking up with violet" he said nervously and my jaw just dropped I was so shocked it took me a minuet to answer

" what why what happen?" I asked

" I don't really know I just .. Don't feel the same way about her as I use too. For one she gets way to jealous witch really annoys me"

" oh my god it's so frustrating" I agreed then asked

" how are you gonna do it?"

"At the end of the week maybe? Ill just tell her why I don't like her the same way I use to and that I want a change" he answered.

" sounds like a plane" he sat there in silence for a bit while shoving food in our mouths but it wasn't an awkward silence but after a while he talked for a while about well everything. The rest of the day went quick and I don't remember it very well but it was fun.. I think, I was waiting out the front of the school for Sam to pick me up to go home and eat I was so hungry and he finally came and picked me up and drove home.

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