Chapter 1:BABY HOOD

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~1st April 2005,Târgu-Mureș,România~

~02:35 AM,at matternity~

In that day,at the matternity,my parents waited me to born and to come on this world.They were very happy,finally they will have a child.They were happy they will have a girl.A very beautiful girl.But,a special girl.
Suddenly,my mom felt a really big pain.It was the time she had to stay strong,and my dad held her hand.The nurse helped my mom to stay without worries.My mom smiled.
The equipe of doctors and nurses did the surgery for getting me out from my mom's tummy.
Finally,the doctors got me out and put on my mum's arms.I cried,like all babies do when they are borned.
The doctors washed me,then they went to gave me to my mom.
My parents were very happy to have me.They gave me 2 names.One of them is Tatiana,which means princess.
They knew I am a special person and this is the big reason they gave this very mean name.

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