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~After 7 years since I was born~

~15th September 2013, 09:00 AM~

This was my first day of school.I started the first grade.I met my classmates  and my teacher for the first time.I was very happy because I started the school,but with some bad feelings because I taught I will miss very much the kindergarden.
At starting school ceremony,we were presented tot the other classes by Miss Principal and we went like a parade in frint of that classes.
After the ceremony,we went in our class and spent some time together.Our teacher told us to go,at a time,in front of class to introduce ourselves.
I introduced myself to my classmates and my teacher,then I went to my place.I taught then my new classmates are happy to meet me,and I was happy to meet them too.
After the time spent together,I went home and I told to my parents that I love school and I will make all the possible to always get good grades.
All was pink and great,till fourth grade.
At fourth grade,my classmates started making fun of me without reason.I didn't do something bad.And the rest of people from outside school started make fun of me with no reason.
I ran home and I started crying.I told my parents what happened and they told me to don't listen to them,because they are just jealous on me for being a very special girl.I felt much better and continued my life with no worries.

MY COMPLEXE LIFEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum