getting to the other level

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  ******SO I know I already said it before on my profile BUT ! if your a MB fan then you should read the story She play's it like she not mindless which is the first book, he plays it like a super star which is the second book and Intesity: Destination everywhere (MIndless behavior Trilogy) which is the third book .. i heard she is making the fourth one but anywaysss the person who makes the stories is Ibasedsupreme and let me tell you the books are AWSOME !!! i stayed up all night during the summer to finish her story so check that out ! and you should also check out XxXbaby_BarbieeXxX she is making a 1 Direction story.. well back to the story :) !!! *****


                                                                        {Christina's house} 

                                       *Christina and Dede are trying to make a plan to get Ariana and Briana from MB*

Dede : got any ideas ?

Christina : of course im Christina !

Dede : shoot it 

Christina : so I was thinking that maybe we should tell Ariana and Briana who the boys really are and when they find out they will hate them forever !!! *makes a evil smile* 

Dede : small prob .. how are we gonna even have the chance to even talk to them when they hate us 

Christina : easy ... we go up to them 

Dede : you don't think they will walk away from us ??

Christina : not with out saying something smart 

Dede : true true .... you can be smart sometimes

Christina : *galares at Dede* sometimes ????!!!!!!

Dede : fine all the time ! *mumbles* damn 

                                                    {Katelyn's house}

Katelyn : im home ! *walks to the living room *

Angie (Katelyn's sister) : wassuuppp sis ??

Katelyn : *sits next to Angie on the couch* nothing just came from somebody's house 

Angie : oh who ?

Katelyn : (P.O.V. : oh lord ) ....

Angie : was it a boys house ?? *smirks*

Katelyn : something like that ...

Angie : oh come on tell mee !!!

Katelyn : you won't believe me 

Angie : why not ?

Katelyn : because i know you 

Angie : just tell me kate ! (P.O.V. : how bad can it be ?? )

Katelyn : I was at Mindless Behaviors house

Angie : *Cracks up laughing tears come down her face* okay for real who's house you went to

Katelyn : see told you !!! you don't believe me !!

Angie : because that's bull shit ! 

Katelyn : no it's not 

Angie : how can you be at there house if they are still in L.A. ??

Katelyn : if you listen to the radio and the news you would have heard that they came to New York so they can go to school I know this and I am not even a fan .. *shakes her head and changes the tv channle*

Angie : stop lying !!! *starts to jump all over the place* what school do they go to ??

Katelyn : my school 

Angie : midewest high ??

*****NOTE : thats not a real school ***** 

Katelyn : that is the school I go to right 

Angie : *gets up from the couch* so your telling me MB is in New York .... goes to your school ... and you are there freinds !!!!!!!!!

Katelyn : yes except they are not my friends

Angie : then why where at there house ??

Katelyn : homework 

Angie : *yells* AHHHH !!! please you have to let me meet them !

Katelyn : hold up there sis ... first of all i don't hang with them .. second of all it would be weird for me to go up to them and be like ohh my big sis is a fan please hang out with her ?? and third of all you are 21 they wont want to hang with you you need a boy in your life .. and get a life

Angie : (P.O.V. : This girl just violated me !) well thanks your big help !

Katelyn : like I told prodigy ... nobody likes the truth 

Angie : he prob was like this ass wipe ! 

Katelyn : nope .. actually he gave me his number *widden eyes and cover her mouth * (P.O.V. : oh shit i shouldnt have said that )


Katelyn : noooo !!! * runs*

Angie : give it !!! *runs after her*

Katelyn :*runs faster * get away you creep ! 

                                                                             {Briana's room }

Briana : (P.O.V. okayy so I am really falling for Roc I think he likes me .. he does why else would he tackel me to the floor then tickel me then kiss my cheek ?? that made me even like him even more ... should I hit him up or does that seem like I am trying to hard ??? but i reaalllyy want to talk to him I aready miss him like crazy ! )  * all of a sudden her phone beeps * and it was from Roc  (P.O.V. god must be looking after me today I swear )

                    [text conco]

  [iROCyourworld] : hows my girl doing ?? ;)

[ briana;)] : since when im your girl ???

[iROCyourworld : since now !

[ briana;) ] : oh i see .. but im cool with .. how you doin ?

[iROCyourwolrd] : im fine but I was just thinkin about you 

[ briana;) ] : you were ?? 

[iROCyourwold] : yea I was... I noticed today how much I really like you and I was wondering if you feel the same ?

[ briana;) ] : i do feel the same way ... i really like you alot and i wasnt sure if you felt the same way but i guess you do

[iROCyourworld] : well i do ... so do you wanna be more than friends ??

[ briana;) ] : are you asking me out ??

[iROCyourworld: yes .. Briana do you want to go out with me ?

[ briana;) ] : YES !!!

[iRocyourworld] : lol well briana imma go to sleep its mad late ill se you tomorrow bye love ..

[briana;) : okay bye !! <3

              [end of convo]


***** SEE what i did there ?!!! well briana and Roc are together !!! and we found out christina's and Dedes plan ....  and whats up with Katelyn sis she is obsessed with MB and in real life there are 30 year old women that cry over them LMAOO!!!!! well i hoped u liked it !! bye peeps !! *****

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