not letting it pass

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*****OK so my best friend had made a new story called My love will make you high by Mindlessblondie so plase check out her story !! :) anyways back to the story ! ***** 


                                               { Drakes house}

    Keth : yo drake !

Drake : what ?!

Keth : who were thoes kids that just bet the shit out of us ?

Drake : I am not even sure

Davon : They look mad fimilar though

Trisha : I thought I was the only one

Drake : I don't give two shits about who they are ! I am going to get them back we all are

Trisha : not me * trys to walk away but Drake grabed her arm*

Drake : you do whatever the fuck I say you hear me ?

Trisha : *trys to hold back tears* I don't want to get into anymore fights because you were being such a jack ass !

Drake : *slaps Trisha across the face* WHO YOU RASING YOUR VOICE AT ?! 

Keth : chill man

Trisha :*starts to cry* I-i-m sorry 

Drake : you better be *pushes Trisha to the ground*

Trisha : (P.O.V. : Jackass)

Drake : anyways ...

Davon : ( P.O.V. : wait the other day I went into my little sisters room to see where she was and on her wall there was a picture of them fours boys there and it said .... MindlessBehavior ! ) OH SHIT !

Keth : was good ?

Davon : them four boys are famous ! 

Drake : what the hell are you talking about ?

Davon : they are like some singing group ... my sis is a big fan 

Trisha : damn

Drake : *laughs* your kidding me right ?

Davon : yall can come to my crib and see for yoursleves 

Drake : lets do it

                                                         { MB's house}

   Princetion : I have never been in a fight before

Roc: not me this is like my hundreth time *shakes his head*

Prodigy : nobody is on my side when I say things and then shit like this happens !

RayRay : what did you want us to do ! they hurt our friends !

Briana : I told you we should of go and not fuck with them but nooo you guys wanna be all big and bad look where it got us

Alyssa : esecially when Ariana said "its not over ! " *glares at Ariana*

Ariana : I am sorry but that girl that could not fight got me mad when she kicked Princeton !

Princeton : Aww my girl is trying to stick up for me *gives her a hug*

Katelyn : i bet that kid is not going to stop until he wins huh ?

Roc : pretty much 

               *akward silence *

Alyssa : well I better go its getting late

Everybody excpet Alyssa : bye ..

Alyssa : *leaves the house*

Briana : do you think we will see them again ?

RayRay : i think so .. and if they we do we will kick there ass again

Katelyn : *shakes her head* if we see them can we just walk the other way ??

Briana : but what if they step up to us ?

Katelyn : then thats when we have to fight *starts to laugh*

Prodigy: *laughs* true

Briana : well i got to go to my mom is going to get a heatattck if im not home in five min

Katelyn : yea same here

Ariana : okay bye girls

Boys : bye !

Briana&Katelyn: * leave the house*

                                                { Alyssa's house}

Logan : hey Alyssa !

Alyssa : go away

Logan : umm what's up with you ?

Alyssa : its all your fualt !

Logan : wait what did I do ?

Alyssa : bringing me to the party thats why its your fualt ! if it wasn't for you I would have remembered what went on that night ! and My friend's won't have to be in danger .. and all of this happens because of your dumb ass boyfreind that doesn't even like or love you ! 

Logan : look it not my fualt that you wanted to drink and get wasted ! and I don't get how your dumb ass famous friend's are in danger and my boyfriend does love and like me !!

Scott : um what the hell is going on ?!

Logan : umm nothing 

Scott : did I just hear you have a boyfriend ?

Alyssa : yup ! she has one !

Scott : what the hell is your problem !

Logan : I can do whatever the fuck i want your not my father ! your jus't my loser ass older brother ! 


Scott : watch your fucking month ! and your right I am not your father because you don't have one and you don't have a mother either .. she is never home !!!

Logan : and that is my fualt because ????!!!!!!

Alyssa : Logan shut the fuck up ! you need to grow up !

Scott : Alyssa ! watch your mouth 

Logan : Alyssa your the one that needs to grow up ! your the one that let a boy get you drunk and you almost got used !

Scott : what happened ?!

Alyssa : logan i hate you !

Logan : you what ?


Logan : (P.O.V. : this bitch didn't !) * slaps Alyssa across the face*

Scott : Logan stop !

Alyssa : *laughs and punches Logan in the face non stop 

Scott : Alyssa ! * trys to pull Alyssa off of Logan *

Logan : *trys to fight back but she can't because Alyssa is kicking her ass *

Scott : Alyssa get the fuck off of your sister !

Alyssa : *stops punching Logan and gets up* Bitch learn how to fucking fight before trying to get into one  !!

Logan : *struggles to get up from the floor*

Alyssa : *runs to her room*


*****WELL this chap was very short but it was kinda crazy what she did to her sis "/ .. anyways check out my friends story called " my love will get you high { a Roc Royal story}" by Mindlessblondie bye peeps !! :) *****

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