Dinner Date?

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Calvin Ian's P.O.V.

"You learned real fast today, huh? I guess we can play regularly now. You'll keep improving with a regular practice." I praised her as we drink water after our final round of tutorial.

"Thanks but I still need to learn a lot. Promise me that you won't back out on me," she batted her eyes like a puppy and I just can't help but chuckle to her cuteness.

"Never." I promised.

"Why don't we go out and eat something delicious as my price for being a good trainee today?" she proposed and I didn't even need to think twice to answer.

"Sure, let's do that. Eat whatever satisfies you. It's on me." I said and she did a body wave. My heart beat raced when I saw her do that, she'd been doing that every time she scores in practice a while ago and it made me fall for her even more.

Ehlarie Kate's P.O.V.

We're at my favourite Korean restaurant, the same place I bumped into Calvin's family a week or so. As I waited for Calvin to return from taking some soup, I scanned the whole place.

It's just 6:00 and the restaurant is fully packed. A line started to form outside the door as there are no more seats available.

That's when I remembered the first and the last time I brought Eron and Ace here. We were all starving after their gym practice on my second week at the university. They couldn't decide where to eat so I just dragged them here and we were met by a long queue of diners.

I was really craving for some Korean food back then and I was willing to wait until we get a table but Ace started to protest. Though Eron was siding with me and telling Ace that it was okay, I could see in his eyes that he was also against the idea of us waiting for who-knows how long. So just like that, we left and I wasn't able to introduce to them the dishes I truly enjoyed.

Eron, though, promised that he will come here with me next time but that 'next time' never came. I even imagined how it will look like being with him here and just having a great time. I guess my imaginations will always stay as just imaginations.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Calvin pulled me back to reality as he placed our soup and samgyupsal on the table.

"Nah. I was just thinking about how much to eat. But since it's on you, I'll eat to my stomach's content." I joked and he just chuckled.

"Go ahead, I won't stop you."

He started grilling as we casually talk about how our day went but most of the time; we just talk about random things.

"So you're like crushing on all thirteen guys?" he asked, truly confused.

By this time, I was talking about a Korean boy group I actually came to discover through Aleah.

"Not actually crushing, just appreciating their talent and looks. Well, it's not hard to like all of them because they all have their own charm." I explained and he just smiled.

"Like me? Can you also see my charm?" I know he was joking but I decided to play along.

"Let me see..." I said as I scanned him.

"Hmmm...first of, you're talented in arts and sports. Second, you have the knack for making things comfortable...and you're tall."

"That's it? Come on..." He waited but I just stared at him.

"Fine." He chuckled in resignation.

"By the way, next week's going to be the submission of our project in Arts and Humanities and you haven't shown me your paintings yet." I said to change the topic.

"I've been working on some and I just didn't know when to show you as I know we're both busy with school."

"Why don't you show them to me later?" I suggested and he kind of looked at me and I'm not sure if it was hesitation that registered on his face.

"Like later? As in after we finish our dinner date?" He clarified and I just shrugged.

"Yeah. So I can start working on our poem." I confirmed and he nodded.

"Wait what? Dinner date?" I was only able to process that now. He just gave a chuckle that teased me.

"Okay then. I'll bring you home, later."

Idon't understand why those five words he said lingered in my head and made myheart beat a different kind of rhythm. I decided to ignore it.

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