Special Chapter: Refeel

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Five years later...

Ehlarie Kate's P.O.V.

"So like you haven't been in touch with me for five years and now you invited me to your book signing?" Aleah still had ill-feelings about what happened five years ago. I can't really blame her but I love her nonetheless. And seeing as to how she came today, I know she understood my situation.

"Because I know you'll come anyway." I chortled and she just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, right. Screw this loyalty." She mumbled but I know she doesn't mean it.

"Miss Rie, the interview will start in five before you formally begin the signing. Please stand-by," my brother's secretary reminded and I started to make myself ready, physically and mentally.

"I'll wait for you at the entrance. You owe me a lot so you're going with me somewhere after your event." Aleah demanded and I gave her a nod. If I were to stay here for some time, I'll have to start it with spending time with my best friend who always understands me.

Ace's P.O.V.

"Yeah, my brother is my manager and my publisher. No, I don't think that's being biased because he's not the only one deciding if my work can be published or not. To tell you honestly, the company rejected about six or seven of the works I submitted. And that was okay for me because it only gave me a chance to improve and do better in my writing." Kate answered the last question well and I couldn't help it but feel proud about how she matured through the years.

After finishing her educational degree and getting a stable job, she pursued a writing career while at work. Now, she has published her own books through the company Dad asked me to manage alongside my own business.

"I can't believe your sister's still taking your side even if you're the one who rejected her pieces," Eron teased me and I snorted.

"Dude, I don't want people to read about her unreciprocated feelings for you. They might hunt you down and I'll be blamed if you get executed. Let's just say I was protecting you. You're welcome." I teased back and he gave me a big slap on the back.

"Funny, dude. Really funny."

"You should've been honest about your feelings for her back then." I preached though it was just a way to laugh at the past rather than feel bitter about it.

"Regrets do come last. Anyway, I love being her friend. I'm just happy I was able to gain back the childhood friend I found in her." Eron sighed and I know things have been resolved between him and my sister.

Aleah's P.O.V.

"Where are you honestly taking me, A?"

I seriously don't understand how my best friend never tells me how she feels after the incident five years ago but I swear, I can read it all over her face though we haven't seen each other for a long time.

I know coming back here in this place was difficult for her. She had been through a lot since day 1 when her mom left. And she had been so selfless about her own happiness. Just the way she would give up her feelings for the majority's happiness.

And I just can't stand her selflessness anymore. Even when she arrived last night, she had been thinking of the students she left to her substitute teacher just to attend her book signing here. I decided I had to do something for her so even if she curses at me from what I'm going to do, I'll have to risk because I want her to be happy once again. She deserves it more than anyone in this world.

"To put some genuine color in your life, again," I said as I stopped the car in front of an Art Studio.


Ehlarie was forced to enter the Art Studio alone as insisted by Aleah who promised to wait for her outside.

She was still clueless until she got inside and was overwhelmed by a lot of paintings hung around the walls of the studio. And at that instant, she was reminded of someone she hoped to see even just for a bit.

Slowly, she surveyed the place as she looked at the paintings and felt each stroke on the canvas. And each time she sees a painting that reminded her of him, she would blink away her tears.

She was almost at the end of the hallway when she literally froze in place.

Right at the middle was a painting of a sleeping high school girl by the window. She could not explain how she feels about the painting but it was as if the painting controlled her feet so she slowly advanced taking small steps but someone approached the painting and detached it from where it was originally placed.

She wanted to ask him to stop but she just can't say a word because of what she saw.

After the guy finished taking it down, he faced her direction and her heart almost stopped beating.


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